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Status Updates posted by Darth_Yuthura

  1. Thanks, but I don't believe myself that great. I have gone so far as to not exploit and squander my parent's earnings, but until I become independent and free of them completely, I am still holding them down. Both my grandfathers have recently died and left a bundle to their families.


    My SUPER WEALTHY aunt was so spoiled by money that see had the nerve to demand that my other grandfather leave her some inheritance... she's not part of his family! The nerve! I despise people my aunt because she is also a hinderance to my father... she's family, but he hates her as much as Atris hates Yuthura and the Exile. That's one reason I don't want to be like her... if I don't have money for the future, it's best to learn to live with as little as possible than expect to work to earn more.


    Enough of that... surely you're tired of hearing how an abundance of money is the problem. I'll say you're truly in a better condition than my aunt... I'm not lying! She and her family get about 30,000 Euros a month and they could become destitute because they're not satisfied with a 'normal' lifestyle. I hate seeing all that money go to waste because it's not cash that's being thrown away, but what resources back it. Most Americans see dollars as the thing to value when they should be looking to what it represents. Money can be thrown away and easily replaced, but the thing that backs it is squandered. I don't want to see that happen when there are others struggling more for the basics while my aunt's struggles are with either the BMW or the Cadilac.

  2. Leaders are people who can get people to follow their ways. In a huge corporation(where there are hundreds of thousands of employees) there can't be much flexibility from one store to the next. This is because the corporation has had so many that they assume they know how to get the most out of their workers.


    I would not expect that I, alone, could stand against a set of rules that have taken years or decades to be formed. The larger the corporation, the more strict procedures have to be. I don't like that, but the military works in a similar way... and they are essentially the best of the best.

  3. *Sigh of relief*


    I really wanted to push the envelope with the chapter by showing just how strong Yuthura had become... even when she isn't a true jedi. I wanted to have something live, but don't want to offend anyone with it. I do have some other issues with the chapter I need to refine, so it isn't officially complete.


    I would say that you should take advantage of that offer to get free drinks! Let yourself enjoy the moment!

  4. I suppose that the majority of my friendships have collapsed and I don't keep in regular contact with anyone. I have made a few friends at whitewater, but don't often even contact via e-mail or even share a drink at a bar. I guess that it is very demeaning to never come face-to-face with friends anymore.


    I also wanted to give another dimension to the sith that does not follow Malak's thinking. Uthar is a true sith, but I think that he would have been able to recognize Yuthura's potential after she had passed beyond ignorance. Alshaff would show up in a later flashback or something to show how she was seduced by with thinking.

  5. I have been content to stand on my own, but only because I thought it took a lot to be above the rest of society. I thought that if I could live without others, then there's no need to be dependent on them.


    I guess I have always believed I was too good to waste my time with stupid, drunken fools, but if I can't do it (if I can't just have a beer with a friend and have a good time) then I really am not above them. I'm just too different to fit in and unwilling to change.

  6. I'm just suggesting that you finish the chapter in it's rough condition and come back later to finish it. If I had not accepted poor work for two of my chapters, I would have been to mentally exausted and frustrated if I had finished them properly. I went back when I had the inspiration, but I felt I had to keep progressing, or I would lose ambition. That's just me.

  7. I guess you're offline at this point... being 11:00 and all. I'm about to sleep in past noon, so I'm logging off at this time.


    Enjoy your holiday.

  8. Did I offend you? I'm not exactly under the impression that I'm the center of your world, but I'm under the impression that you stopped responding right after I sent it. I wouldn't think anything of it except you stopped talking right after I sent a very sensitive thing.

  9. I believe that Revan's memories are going to debilitate him when they begin to return. It would be like 'deja vu' Only he can't be sure which memories were the real ones and how to embrace the knowledge. I'm not going to spoil it, but I would appreciate getting other people's ideas on the process of remembering events from long ago in another life. I was also thinking of giving more sympathy for Malak, but need to know if you want to keep hating the character... you did mention something like that before.


    Any future ideas for Huntress? I would like giving advice on your stories if you asked it. I have gotten much feedback from you and would extend the same offer if you want it.

  10. As long as the story is not being repetitive, then it's good. In my revision for SiD, I will be extending the Kuril mission to maybe up to three chapters. But to the real question, I would just advise you to do as much as you need for the planet and not worry about leaving if you're not finished.


    If you are spending too much time there, then you would be rushing to get off the world to progress the story. If it's stretched, then it's because you can still enrich what you've got.


    PS: You're not a typical author in any event. lol


    Thanks for the last compliment. Naturally, people's talent improves with practice. I can notice your improvements, but it may be because you've always been active where my talent was latent until last year. I don't think you'll see much more improvement from me, though. You're still going to improve for years to come.

  11. I don't drink intoxicants. I want to enjoy life and all its agonizing glory... I don't want to dull the sensation in any way.


    As for my family's financial situation... having lots of money detracts from other things. I would verify this because of my rich aunt spending so much money that they'll be destitute within two years... no home, no luxuries... because she was just reckless.


    My parents EARNED everything they have and were conservative with the wages they received. This came because they didn't spoil themselves... I was spoiled for a long while, but then I realized that my luxuries were at the expense of another's suffering. That goes for most Americans. And I try not to follow that way.

  12. You're good at keeping up a conversation... now I had another question.


    I've been considering how to solve the Council problem. It might be more interesting to realize there was more to Vrook than Yuthura was aware of. If she came to feel impish compared to them... at least then she understands that she judged them to harshly... except Atris.

  13. I've gotten some dialog with Visas, but I still have yet for her to tell Alayna about how the prophecy that Kreia spoke of was not going to be fulfilled by simply acting upon them. They had to come naturally. That has yet to be written, but I've started the dialog and have about two pages to go.


    Btw, Viron sounds great.

  14. Well I guess I'll be happy enough to see you asleep that I'll not miss the 4:00 AM conversations about woman on waterslides... old men in speedos...*shudder* and all the other subjects that we wouldn't discuss if we weren't a quarter of the way across the globe.


    Well I'd be glad to see that happen and be saddened if it doesn't change.

  15. I really like hearing about you. I remember the neighborhood drug dealer/black market thieves and all the other 'interesting' people you have around.



    Are you going to be living at home during college, or will you have a dorm and live away from them?

  16. I'm not surprised. Of all the Star Wars cast, Ford was the most successful afterwards. My favorite movie is stared by Ford and Liam Neeson. (K-19) I hated the fake accents though.


    I never got a dedicated game council because I never liked the idea of getting something that ONLY could be used for wasting time. I also don't like the elaborate controllers and coordinating the patterns, so I just opt for a keyboard. I might have considered a PS3, but those are ancient and soon to be replaced by newer models.

  17. You enjoyed it? Now let's see if you enjoy chapter 39, where Bao makes his final departure from the story. I think that I like working on special chapters before piecing the lead-ups together. Have you ever tried it?


    I'm thinking of doing another for the Trevelyan/Revan issue in SiD just to get moving along and piece them together later.

  18. I think the US could change to become a more stable society, but as wealth goes more toward the rich, the faster the system shuts down.


    There is a Star Trek DS9 episode where America begins to reform its social structure after a disaster that caused thousands of deaths. The US would only adapt when a severe disaster forces change upon the economy. Right now, there are two resources that we are desperately going to need... energy and water.


    Once wells begin to go dry, we will have to start figuring how to desalinate water on a massive scale. At least energy is being realized now.

  19. Anyway... could you tell me of your parents' situation or do you shield it from outsiders? You have a younger or older sister?


    My sister is three years older and regrets that the bad-luck-charm(me) ended her three years of happiness. She is much like me, but has more acute abilities and deficentcies. She's also crazy... somewhat.

  20. Thanks. I guess that I'm unfamiliar with the topic because there is no finite line. I don't want to risk being banned from the site or worse, so I want to ensure I don't come near its boundaries.


    I also want to ensure that I value your opinion because you are working to become a professional writer and I would trust that you would be neutral on an issue... some just don't think about it.

  21. Cool! You're not one to just leave off characters after they've spoken their pieces. I am planning to get started on my next K3 piece and REALLY finish the first one. I'm not racing to get on that, but knowing where I would like to introduce Alayna would give both of you a place to leave off in chapter one. I think that it would be nice to start all new characters with a fraction of a chapter telling where they left off in TSL.


    If you've ever seen episodes of 'Law and Order,' that might also give you a few ideas on future chapters. One I favored was a murderer escaping and the justice system trying to protect future victims by executing him. Maybe Mira believes that if she doesn't kill a guy like that, then others would die because she didn't act.


    I think that it's very controversial when you start dispersing responsibility from direct to indirect actions. You may not pull the trigger, but by giving to gun away, you have a part in the death. What do you think of this kind of issue?

  22. I got the post. I would nominate you for the first post. Your name is more recognized among the community. I think they would be more interested in reading something that you have your name directly attached to.


    The title would have to have all the names as well, or they won't be seen. Of course, that would be if you want to take the first post at all. The one who sets it up has to do it right the first time, or things would be complicated to change.

  23. How's HOP today?


    So you're a junior this year? I think that was my favorite year in HS school because you were old enough to be respected, but didn't have whiny brats looking up to you to set a proper example... that's what seniors are for.


    Anything of interest in your world?

  24. Your choice. Just remember that you should only do it if it's satisfying. If you are frustrated, then you should not feel obligated by anything other than yourself. The smartest or most desirable path is not always the most difficult, but it shouldn't be the easiest.


    But you can do whatever you choose. All I can do is influence your choice.

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