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    inFamous/Uncharted 2
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    The Force Unleashed
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  1. no i havnt. my friend likes it just as much as you. :lol: his entire family gets the movies/series out and watches them. yeah i like star wars of course. i won a 2004 box set edition of the OT on a tv show. the thing was to make a star wars rap and the best ones would win prizes. well, i had a little knack for making stupid rhymes, and i liked/knew a bit about sw, and the prizes were awesome, so my brain went into overdrive and a emailed my entry 15 minutes later. and i won! not the first prize, but im glad i didnt! the first prize was a darth vader voice changer helmet. i won one of the runner up prizes: the dvd box set (including bonus disk with 4+ hours of special features), two star wars figures, and the first book of the 'last of the jedi' series.

    (did i get more..? cant remember:lol:)

    i havnt seen it in a while though. but one of my favorite movies is the bourne trilogy! jason bourne is.the.*man*.!

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