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    inFamous/Uncharted 2
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    The Force Unleashed
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  1. i used to like xbox better, but since i saw the ps3 first hand... melikey!

    the online is free?? whoa, didnt know that!

    the wii is novel, but i agree. i want hd!

    but it might be a while till i get a console. i intend to, sometime later. but more than that i want a really good computer. its been my dream since i was 5. but i know someone who was in the computer scene, and for the time had an super uber computer. but he bought a playstation some time afterwords because he got sick of the computer thing: every time a new game comes out, you have to make sure your comp fits the requirements, update drivers, maybe encounter some problems, fix it, etc. he said with a console, you get a game, and it just works! no hassle. ill probably do that, but right now i want that hassle if it means a transparent powerhouse of a computer with an awesome case decked with neon lights and all the bells and whistles! that, or i'll get myself a lamborghini laptop....:3heart:

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