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    The best thing about Conservatism is that even when you are wrong...you are Right.
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    SW related material, Kendo, etc.
  • Occupation
    Professional Student
  • Current Game
    Mass Effect
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    Google Chrome
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Knights of the Old Republic
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  1. Well, we just studied the Civil War with a book called The War Between the States: America's Uncivil War by John J. Dwyer. It's excellent. Contrary to common belief, Lincoln wasn't a saint. In fact--actually, I better not get started on the Civil War! :lol: (And no, I don't think slavery's okay. ;)) Okay, one last thing--John Wilkes Booth shouldn't have killed Lincoln. There was absolutely no reason for it. The war was over. His action just caused more suffering for the South. :(


    Anyhoo...I just finished listening to the first Tomb Raider soundtrack. It wasn't very good. Most of the tracks were the cutscenes, complete with voices. :/ The rest of it was a bit...tinny. :D Oh, well, what was I expecting? The later ones'll be better. :D

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