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    The best thing about Conservatism is that even when you are wrong...you are Right.
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    SW related material, Kendo, etc.
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    Professional Student
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  1. The 'million American lives' that FDR claimed would be lost by an invasion of Japan is, according to military experts, a completely ficticious number. It would actually have been closer to 40,000.


    An invasion of Japan wouldn't have been necessary, anyway. Japan's navy and resources were destroyed. America had practically every battleship in the world available to blockade Japan. They would've had to surrender--not to mention the fact that they were ready to surrender, anyway.


    For more complete, sourced information, I sincerely recommend that you read World War II: The Rest of the Story and How It Affects You Today by Richard J. Maybury. Also, you might want to read The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History by Thomas Woods. In fact, any and all of the 'Uncle Eric' series by Richard Maybury is good, especially since they kinda build on one another. :lol: They cover economics and history.

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