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Lord of Hunger

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Personal Information

  • Location
    Korriban, Sith Empire
  • Interests
    Consuming all life, Force Choking Visas Marr....
  • Occupation
    Lord of Hunger ;)
  • Current Game
    Shogun 2: Total War
  • Web Browser
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    The Sith Lords
  • Resolution
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Lord of Hunger's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



Single Status Update

See all updates by Lord of Hunger

  1. Its going well. I took a few days off and playing Dragon Age :origins(amazing game). I'm also looking at what makes the game work and how i can learn from it and place some of makes it a great game into the mod. I had some scripting issues but found a way around it so this weekend i will be hitting the mod hard plus i plan to post a Develop blog on the topic of party members and how they make a game have that drama and dynamics of real life. I also have a small quest to add to the first module with coruscant which will help immerse the player more.

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