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Status Updates posted by Speedfire

  1. How can u buy Halo Wars ??

    Its going to be Released 25 in China.

    27 Here in Europe and

    3 March in USA ?? :D

  2. Hey Scorch-1162 whazz up =)

  3. hm ok.

    If i will be Ready with the first 2 lvls i will release it as a Demo and send u than the Link.

  4. I dont thing that it is Possible to send a .BSP File to you ^^.


  5. Soo is there anyway to send it to you ?

  6. So i could send u 2 maps which iv already done.

    THe second will just be a Beta.

    Exclusive :D

  7. thx ^^

    Do u have Portal ?

    And wow thanks to you.

    Iv got a new Idea :D

  8. hehe lol.

    Im doing well with Mapping.

    But i reached the point where the things im creating just dont make sence anymore >.<

    The lvl was cool until i ran out of ideas.

    THe ending is so STUPID.

    Ur falling into a Black Room which leads you to and White Room --.--

    I have defenitly FAILED T_T

  9. CommanderQ Ready for Aktion :D

    Wazz up man ?

  10. Hehe.

    Its more on the Psycho horror.

    Like u hear Doors opening.

    Or some scary noises :D

    That thing of stuff ^^.

    Iv done until now A Labor , and an Research Facility.

    Im going to make a Ship , Hospital <--- i hate those things at night hehe , and maybe an Underground bunker with a bit Secreat in it :D

  11. Well ^^ im readin Start Wars: Republic Commande : Tripple Zero and its cool.

    But it wont help me now :D

    Not with a Horror Mod.

    I could say u what iv done until now but i thing it wound interest you because its for portal :D

  12. its going on pretty good :D

    But im stuck and low of ideas >.<

  13. Blowing up stuff ?

    Lol im modding a litle bit :D

    And sry for the long time u had to wait ^^

    I was INTENCE Modding xD

  14. What are u doing ?

  15. ahh i need a Wallpaper

  16. God :D and you ?

    What are you doing ?

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