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Everything posted by LadyRevan

  1. LOL! My Grandma's cat tried to climb up my leg when he was a kitten, it was so cute I let him climb all the way up and then we snuggled. :p

  2. Omg, I hope your alright... You need to stop chewin' on that fence. ;)


    Lol, ya, my cat just screeched, scratched me, and ran out... funny thing... IT WAS HER OWN FAULT. :p

  3. Hmmm. Not that I know of. Maybe is just a hiccup in the forum or maybe someone else was there and deleted theirs.

  4. LOL! My cat once jumped in the bath with me and didn't like it too much so I can safely say that I've had my share of bath related hijinx.

  5. LMFAO! Well... to each their own I guess. :p Personally a nice bath and people staying FAR away from me when I'm taking it is what relaxes me. That and doing anything with music; listening, playing, singing, ect.

  6. LMAO! One should never bite of a fence that spews electricity less they want they fence to bite back. :p

  7. O.o... Meh, not really. I went to school this morning and I was having trouble breathing so I came home after that though not much.

  8. Meh, not much. I'm seriously thinking of calling it quits with my boyfriend...I'm still a bit sick... got school tomorrow... and thats about it.

  9. Fancy way of saying dispute... or fight... :p

  10. O.o Wow... maybe thats not such a good idea. :p Actually... nope... not a dang thing for the exception of the tift my boyfriend and I are having.

  11. Not really... just sittin' here... feelin' like poo. :p

  12. ~Her eyes go blank right after Chev pokes her.~ ~She disappears into thin air reappearing behind Chev hunched down beneath him with two hand clasped together with the index fingers extended pointing up.~ ~She yells.~ 1000 YEARS OF PAIN!!! ~Her hand and fingers swiftly move up getting him as he shoots up into the air and out of view.~ ~She dusts her hands off while saying...~ No one... I MEAN NO ONE! POKES ME! 0.0



    Yup this cold seems to be standing still though. :(


    Thank you I'm a poet when I can be. :p


    Thats good to hear everything going good. :)

  13. O.o I know... fortunately... I have ways of dealing with pouncers... ~looks around watching out of the corner of her eyes making sure no one about to pounce on her.~


    Not much... and yup. :) I feel like poo still, I've got a bad flu and some pretty bad viral infections which I'm gettin' over. :) But it's cool, the doc said I should be good by the weekend if I keep taking my antibiotics, get a lot of rest, and keep very hydrated.


    So what's new with you?... CommanderQ... woah I just rhymed. :p

  14. Ayah! ~Signs with one hand quickly as she uses her Shadow Walker technique~ ~Chev passes through her and falls to the ground~ Hehe... a little... I still feel like poopoo though. :p

  15. Me too. This flu bites. :(

  16. ~nods~ You don't even know the half of it. I've been in soooo much pain the last couple days I was crying. That antibiotic is doing the track though. :) Between the codeine and the dayquil I'm feeling quite a bit better then I did... I still feel like poo though. :p

  17. Sorry Chev... I've been really sick. :'( I just went to the doctor yesterday and she said I have a bronchial and throat infection... not to mention the flu on top of it. Fortunately I'm on antibiotics and codeine and a liiitttle bit of dayquil so I feel better. :)

  18. 'Night Chev,


    I have to get to be anyway I feel like... well... the bad word for poop. :p

  19. It is and it totally sucks to have it. :p If I'm not on a cough medicine I feel like I'm gonna die. :(

  20. Thats cool with me, I'll be up for a while, I'm dealing with streap throat and pneumonia right now so getting to sleep isn't too easy for me.

  21. Lol, I agree, I love to RP.

  22. Sayomi's sealed beast is as old as she is... literally... the beast was also kept away from the life as Sayomi was so they both don't know to much of it... just what they've heard.

  23. O.o Hehe... I can see why... personally Sayomi had a crush on Sasuke... she spent many of nights watching as Orochimaru and Sasuke sparred, in the end right before she left hoping Sasuke would tear Orochimaru to pieces and come over to her telling her that he loved her and wanted to be with her... though that never happened.

  24. Who... Hinata? ... That would just be wrong. :p Cousin Love. ~quivers a bit.~

  25. Lol... one could take what you just said in a VERY wrong way. LMAO. :p

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