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  • Interests
    Running, soccer, video games, and reading
  • Current Game
    Halo Wars and Kotor
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Knights of the Old Republic
  • Height in cm

DarthSion399's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Jai'galaar isn't the only one who can make avvies...

  2. Hey bro, if you ever need an avvy, let me know:thmbup1:

  3. Alright, later.:D

  4. Well I'll have to go soon I have my AP Comm. Arts Homework to work on.

  5. I'm running out of ideas:p

  6. Did you ever watch the christian singing show: "Inspiration Sensation"?

  7. I don't remember, I just remember someone mentioning it or seeing the name somewhere, I can't remember really well, it was a few years ago.

  8. Okay.

    How did you hear about Lighthouse? We are in Illinois.:confused:

  9. What state do you live in?

  10. That sounds like a really good Church

  11. On Sundays we have three services.

    On Wednesdays during the summer we have "Soul Patrol", where the adults go out and do random acts of kindness (free gasoline, gifts for the community) with the youth staying on the church grounds playing sports and whatnot.

    We also have Saturday morning prayer services.

    My personal favorite is on Mondays when the youth get to hang out and rehearse and practice for skits and dances.

  12. I don't know much about the Church I've heard someone mention it before.


    What's it like

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