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Te Je'karta Mand'alor

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Everything posted by Te Je'karta Mand'alor

  1. what do you meen?... oh! i posted on my own view

  2. you know what... i don't care if you take over the world... just let me live... what IS your e-mail? go on and respond in a private message i geuss

  3. sweet! i have to meet him. and also... what state do u live in? it's fine if you don't want to give that info though...

  4. gahhh!!!!! remind me not to post on MY view

  5. yeah.... many people mistake nerdy for geeky and think you can't be both

  6. nope... he's my nerd friend who just moved up from NC... and true lots of people do speak it, but not the COOL and NERDY people

  7. nope... he's my nerd friend who just moved up from NC

  8. haha... if you lived in my city, i would FORCE you to meet my neighbor alec... accedently posted that on MY view

  9. haha... if you lived in my city, i would FORCE you to meet my neighbor alec

  10. hehe... i would ask for ur e-mail, but i'm afraid you'll take over the world if i gave you mine

    :lol: :lol: nerds have the power to do that

  11. so do you consider yourself one?

  12. :lol: :lol: :lol: but i really am a nerd you know.
  13. nothin... just be proud of being a nerd. but REALLY, this is a serious thing. from now on you must make bowin emoticons towards me... kind of like this :bow:

  14. i now call you my nerd from afar. it's an honor to be considered that in my group of friends

  15. just letting everyone know... you can give me any nickname you want. i really dont care.

    i have lot of names... ma-ika, tinsil, flimsi f. jr., maximus, scavanger, scavvy, peter(as in peter cottontail-i have a bent ear), lil monster... so just call me what you want

  16. just letting everyone know... you can give me any nickname you want. i really dont care.

    i have lot of names... ma-ika, tinsil, flimsi f. jr., maximus, scavanger, scavvy, peter(as in peter cottontail-i have a bent ear), lil monster... so just call me what you want

  17. just letting everyone know... you can give me any nickname you want. i really dont care.

    i have lot of names... ma-ika, tinsil, flimsi f. jr., maximus, scavanger, scavvy, peter(as in peter cottontail-i have a bent ear), lil monster... so just call me what you want

  18. heh... glasses run in my family. it's good to make sure i'm seeing well

  19. hey, where did you get your avatar? i like it...

  20. is it just my vision, or did you change the color of ur avatar?

  21. you can steal it if you want... i really don't care if someone else has the same pic

  22. google.... just type in "mandalorian zabrak"

    i did the black around the edges myself... it kind of gives it an almost rustic look

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