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    Connecticut, U.S.A.
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    DJ Starscream
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  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Republic commando, Battlefront Series
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  1. I'm sorry if it looked like I was 'dissing' RC, and Traviss by extension. That wasn't my plan. I love RC, and I liked her first RC book.


    I don't know why she chose not to finish the book - she won't explain herself, but she mentioned that it was due to 'contractual issues' - that could be any number of things, but it's often one thing - the money she was getting paid.


    If it was, due to her being unhappy with The Clone Wars, then I think she'd have said it more clearly when she announced her departure. She said she wasn't happy about the new direction they were taking, but she made it clear that she quit, not that she was fired/let go, when she could have tried to work it out.


    I apologise if my post looked as if it was simply 'dumping' on RC. That wasn't my intention - I thought it would be better to explain my disagreement, so rather than just say 'that sucks', i'd say why I think it sucks. I don't have problem with people liking her work, it just isn't for me. :)

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