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  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. How did you use kotortools. i was looking at the gui file in a hex editor and kgff editor to find clues. It seem that the gui is changing the mixture of the main colors for the gui templet. What is the difference for gui.pc and the other type? is this Pc and xbox versions? Which of the two thpes of gui do i touch?

    What did you change in the gui file and bow can i see the changed item so i can play around with it.


    Thanks in advance.


    I have made some progress but in playing with tga color files.

  2. Sorry it took me so long to answer, haven't visited this forum in awhile. About my mod:

    I used KotorTool to edit .gui files; it is a very long process of changing numbers in the right sectors of the gui file. Every file I edited you can see in my mod.

  3. Hey I have a question on what did you touch with the GUI interface color change.


    Did you hex edit? which .gui files if you did?

  4. I found this picture in one of the Revan tribute videos on youtube. The mask was red, so I edited it in photoshop.

  5. Dude, your Avatar is awesome! Where'd you get it, and do they have Mandalorians?:p

  6. I already uploaded version 2 of my mod to kotorfiles, soon it will be there, if you want to edit brown part go ahead, just mention me.

  7. Hi, your improvement to the GUI looks great! If you'd like I could edit the odd brown part to the menu. I've been needing to do that anyways.

  8. Heh, my name is Wesley too.

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