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Everything posted by jebiluu

  1. Don't really care for one. I'm only using this site for the tool links, and tuts. Very good info for KOTOR and TSL.

  2. Heh, pretty funny. But who you rebelling against?

  3. I'd rather not, but thanks for the invite. My bad with the whip too.

  4. Did you really just tell me to hate something? That has to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever read on any forum. You're like a 360 fan boy still trying to trash on the PS3. I told you twice I haven't really watched them, that would clearly imply that I wasn't following the story. So why would I give two ****s if it was canon or not?

  5. Don't hate it, just didn't really care to watch it. Had better things to do at the time.

  6. Only watched a few episodes of it actually. Not enough to get into it.

  7. Heh, that's gotta suck, but look on the bright side. I'm doing just fine. :p

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