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Personal Information

  • Biography
    Amateur painballer, Gamer, Computer Programmer
  • Location
    Mdified v-wing
  • Interests
    See Details, its what i do
  • Occupation
    Geek Squad
  • Current Game
    Republic Commando
  • Web Browser
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    SW RC
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AAC-1102's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I appreciate the recognition, but I'm actually younger than you :lol: If you're really 19, then you're 5 years older than me. :lol:


    Vod would work too, if you ask me ;) Your choice - I'm picking up new nicknames all the time :lol:

  2. I honestly don't know why I am calling you buir...guess it's a sign of respect for someone who has been around the forums for so long

    I guess vod isn't appropriate, right?

  3. Sig's done :D I edited it in so you might not have noticed ;)

  4. yeah


    It's Ark Angel on pg 12 of the ccp Rinku made it i'll pm u a link

  5. yeah


    It's Ark Angel on pg 12 of the ccp Rinku made it i'll pm u a link

  6. Yep, Manda'yaim means Mandalore (The planet).


    Ramikadyc is a state of mind - a commando state of mind ;)




    I'm not sure which Commando you meant about the sig :( Could you give me a link? :)

  7. Hey Revan, manda'yaim is a state of mind, right? or is it Mandalore?

  8. ah...I myself am interested in the military: special forces studies (SEALS, detatchment delta, Marine Force Recon, SAS, Foreign Legions, etc)

  9. Yes. Military History for the most part, especially the Napoleonic era, so French comes as part of the deal. :lol:

  10. So is that what you're in to? just asking

  11. Welcome to the LF ner'vod

  12. I don't know any French myself, but you tend to pick up bits of it when you're interested in history.

  13. eh i was close

    though I should have known that...I'm in AP French at my school...

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