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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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    Why do you need to know
  • Location
    I be at Sea!
  • Interests
    sailing, pirating, going to port, sacking towns
  • Occupation
    If you must know, I am a captain of a ship! So, obey orders, do your duty, and no harm will come to you! Understood?!
  • Current Game
    POTC: New Horizons
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    google, but why do u care
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
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  1. Sure I can do Atton and maybe Mira. Like you said before, I would model Mira a bit to change her hair around if shes supposed to be older, but I'm doing SOMETHING wrong when I model heads, not sure what. So I'll try to play around with Attaborn a bit. Oh and also, JOLEE??! He was my favorite character from K1! I wonder if his model is in TSL. If it is I can skin it and make him look even older. If it's not then I could try to model him from a regular bald black male but I'm not sure if it would work (stupid modeling)

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