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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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  • Biography
    Why do you need to know
  • Location
    I be at Sea!
  • Interests
    sailing, pirating, going to port, sacking towns
  • Occupation
    If you must know, I am a captain of a ship! So, obey orders, do your duty, and no harm will come to you! Understood?!
  • Current Game
    POTC: New Horizons
  • Web Browser
    google, but why do u care
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
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  1. I will say that don't mention that you were published unless you are going to issue a link to a copy of the publish material since if the link or option to see the publish material- people will think you are blowing hot air.

    If you truly want to be a writer then i would say join some writing forums and starting talking to them since they share your passion and they understand where you are coming from since they were at your level of writing once to and they can help you and mentor you to become the writer that you envision and see yourself becoming.

    Last note, always be humble and ignore responses that are negative and give not direction on how to improve, giving responses to these type negative comments just wastes your energy.


    Best Wishes


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