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Status Updates posted by Jaevyn

  1. Have you tried to ask people outside of the Lower Levels? Not all the pieces are in the Lower Levels.

  2. The only difference between a normal k_003ebo_enter.nss script and mine is this excerpt at the bottom.


    switch (nDest) {

    case 0: sDest = "106PER"; break;

    case 1: sDest = "201TEL"; break;

    case 2: sDest = "262TEL"; break;

    case 3: sDest = "301NAR"; break;

    case 4: sDest = "401DXN"; break;

    case 5: sDest = "601DAN"; break;

    case 6: sDest = "701KOR"; break;

    case 7: sDest = "801DRO"; break;

    case 8: sDest = "ERROR"; break;

    case 9: sDest = "901MAL"; break;

    case 10: sDest = "ERROR"; break;

    case 11: sDest = "954COR"; break;

    case 12: sDest = "451CAT"; break;

    default: sDest = "ERROR";



    if (sDest == "ERROR")

    AurPostString("EBO ERROR: No module sepcified!", 5, 15, 10.0);


    StartNewModule(sDest, "WP_from_ebonhawk");



  3. There is data to complete it as well as hints on how to deal with the door security if you ask around. I know that people can get through it, they have already!

  4. Very good, even better when I look at the reception of the mod :)

  5. As much as I would like to put up new screenshots, the fact is there is not much new to show. I will get on and do a few of the two new areas I constructed as well as the Eastern Dark Lands, which will be complete in a matter of days.

  6. Jaevyn

    Yeah, we can rebuild, but we've taken one hell of a heavy hit from two major earthquakes now.

  7. Jaevyn

    I did get caught in it, but I'm ok. I caused one hell of a shake.

  8. Indeed I did, it was just a random typo.

  9. I have to say I love your textures and I look forward to them coming out. :)

  10. Jaevyn

    Yeah, the Cathalan denizens are having a good time, at least those on the higher more affluent levels of Keralt. On the lower levels the situation is different.

  11. Jaevyn

    Cathalan is going well, just completed some more loadscreens, so its all good.

  12. I have an issue with a planetary mod which I am building, in which doors that I have marked as being "not blastable" (ie: require a key to open) can still be attacked and opened with brute force.


    Is there a script that makes doors impenetrable to everything?

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