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Bertrand Guégan

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Everything posted by Bertrand Guégan

  1. I do personally prefer the adlib/soundblaster versions. Mainly for nostalgic reasons I suppose, but I really like the smooth and organic sound of it. For anyone interested about 90's PC music history (Adlib, Soundblaster, MT32, MIDI, you name it..), I highly recommend reading "History of PC game MIDI" (attached file). When I composed the soundtrack for Lucy Dreaming (a point and click adventure in pixel art), I did a lot of research about how to make music that could sound "era genuine". This article helped me a lot and it was basically the start of my journey in that kind of music. A few month later I ended up composing a dual soundtrack for the game (Roland MT-32 and Adlib/Soundblaster) 😂 History_of_PC_Game_MIDI.pdf
  2. New track done! The difference isn't staggering in this example, but I still like how it turned out The main difference is the sound of the instrument playing the chords. It's quite different from the adlib version. The former has a percussive sound (like marimbas) whereas the latter has a more organ-ish sound. Actually, I tried to emulate the sound of the instrument used in the MT32 version.
  3. Yeah I really like that smoothness! I was nonetheless looking for a grittier sound when I redesigned this instrument ("aaarrrr!!"☠️) but maybe it would be more suited for the zombie version of Lechuck in MI2 ?
  4. one more ! this one wasn't easy, the original sounds already so great. Maybe it's nostalgia speaking, but I may still prefer the original OPL2 trumpet sound.
  5. Thank you !! I'm glad you like it The MT-32 was so expensive (even today btw) that most people (including me) only knew the Adlib or PC speaker versions for MI's music. To be honest, I just knew about the existence of the MT32 only a few years ago..! 🤫 Now that I own one, I'll always remember the first time I tried it with the game... goosebumps!! Daniel Albu made a great interview with Michael Land 3 weeks ago. If you're interested about the music of MI and Lucasarts other titles, this is a gold mine of information!
  6. Thanks Jake! 100% agree with you! It's true that MI's music was originally created for MT-32. In the process, AdLib and PC speaker versions were arrangements of the MT32 score. OPL3 was a very good and capable soundchip, but sadly underused. What I'm trying do to here is to rehabilitate it somehow. So indeed, it would be more like a "what if" situation like you said
  7. Hey everyone! A couple of days ago I remastered the iconic Monkey Island theme (from TSOMI) Back in the early 90's, the OPL3 soundchip was the core of many well-known and popular audio cards such as the Sound Blasters. Unfortunately, mostly for compatibility reasons, the OPL3 was rarely used as its full potential and sounded like a "mere" OPL2 (Adlib). In this remaster, I tried to demonstrate how OPL3 music can sound, when used as its full potential. Monkey Island theme - AdLib VS Soundblaster I'm seriously thinking about remastering the entire soundtrack this way. Worth it? 😄
  8. Absolutely brilliant!! It takes lot of effort and work to make it sound this realistic, just by using Vsts (even the best ones). Kudos!
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