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Commander Grog

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  1. Hi to everyone who stumbles about my profile! 👋

    So who am I? I'm a publisher (not games but books and stuff) from Germany and have been gaming since I was old enough to keep my snot and drool in all by myself, which I'm still proud of. My first Lucasfilm adventures were Maniac Mansion and Zak McKracken on my C64 and when I finally got my hands on a PC, Monkey Island instantly became one of my favourite games. Today, I'm a slightly deranged collector of physical games for nearly all platforms and was even stupid enough to get a few arcade machines. So,...yeah...

  2. Nah, of course the "small" versions of Loom all fit on the USB stick. But it's a 1gig USB stick, and there's LOTS more content. I just didn't want to go into detail, since I'm not entirely sure if that would be okay.
  3. At least Zak (my copy arrived today, too) includes both the old PC-Version as well as the FM-Towns one for ScummVM (so sadly without the executables). Since no one said other versions would be included there's not much to complain, though a little extra effort on their front would've been appreciated. The first track on the included soundtrack seems wrong, too. But back to Loom: The LRG support came back to me, aaaaaaaaand the provided content won't fit on the included USB-Stick, but well...you can't have everything. But again, thank you @Laserschwert!
  4. And I already did and am waiting for a reply. But thank you for the nudge either way.
  5. Hi, everyone! Have been reading here for quite a while. Just registered to say: "but they did". It's a shame the USB-stick doesn't contain what was promised.
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