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Single Status Update
Okay... so here's what I have so far in the order I bought them... all 1/60 scale unless stated otherwise...
- VF-1A Hikaru DYRL with Super/Strike parts
- YF-19 Isamu
- YF-21 Guld
- Destroid Tomahawk
- Destroid Defender
- SDF-1 Macross DYRL version (1/3000)
- VF-19kai Fire Valkyie
- Quaedluun-Rau Miria type
- Miria figure 3 set - one for the pilot inside of her Quaedluun-Rau and the other standing outside... not using the wedding dress version that came with it.
- Amoured Klan figure (1/72ish scaled), big boobs are big.
- Macross Quarter (have no idea what the scale of this is but it's almost as big as the SDF-1, so about four times as big as it should be next to it)
- YF-29, came with own stand
- Sound booster for Fire Valkyrie (BOMBA!!)
- Also coming soon in November, the super parts for the YF-29 which I'm already paid for in full.
- Three Yamato Macross stands - two black, one gray/yellow.
And for the future I want the VF-25 series and the VF-17...