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Lady Jedi

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Personal Information

  • Biography
    Jesus loves me. :D
  • Location
    On a mountain
  • Interests
    Being awesome
  • Occupation
    Sharing the awesom
  • Current Game
    This is no GAME!!
  • Web Browser
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Dark Forces II
  • Resolution
  • Height in cm

Lady Jedi's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. HEY! Congratulations on the successful kidnapping of a bride. :D Breaking out the wedding sack like it's nobody's business. Way to go man. ;)

  2. Oh noes!! Not the DUMB! You make me feel like a retard err, insensitive for making fun. :xp:

  3. It's not politically correct for you to make fun of me. I have the dumb. mysmilie_553.gif

  4. A gift, eh? So that's what you kids are calling it these days. :D

  5. Yes. It's a gift. :xp:

  6. You will bitch about anything won't you. :p

  7. It tastes like hurting! D:

  8. *tag*


    You've just been publicly tagged. How's that taste? :carms:

  9. My chocolate milk is ruined!

  10. I believe you are an hour ahead as time zones go, so the real statement here is that *you* should be in bed at that hour. :p

  11. Hey, you should be in bed at this hour! *taps watch*

  12. Achieving minor tasks, and wondering why the hell it's snowing in June.


    There Will Be Blood, eh? Good choice. Good choice indeed. ;)

  13. Pretty great! I'm back in the caves right now debugging some hardware but I'm about to head out. Oh, I'm going to try and pick up There Will Be Blood tonight. :) What are you up to today, LJ?

  14. Sivy, faking dehydration on a hike in Idaho is likely to get you 'rescued' by far worse than Harrison Ford. Although, 'rugged' may apply. Yikes. That's all I can say. :xp:


    How goes it, Rhett? :D

  15. Petrogylphs, aye? Alright.


    I'm thinking maybe some tribesmen dancing around a huge bowl of ice cream. Thoughts?

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