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Everything posted by Dmnkly

  1. FWIW, I have no knowledge of whether or not a trailer exists and when said theoretical trailer will or will not be released (as evidenced by my erroneous prediction that we'd see one yesterday!). But that said, I am reasonably certain that the only reason there was no trailer yesterday is because they didn't want to show one yet. Whether it's a timing thing, they prefer a different presentation format, whatever, I have no idea. But speaking broadly, things like the audio mastering definitely wouldn't be an impediment.
  2. (For that matter, impressionism didn't even exist yet, much less post-impressionism.)
  3. Ehhhhhh, in my head, he and I are... kinda the same at this point? 😄 What's funny is sometimes I've preemptively read Guybrush lines in my head that I recorded years and years ago, and they come out the EXACT. SAME. WAY. Y'know, I don't remember. Better question for Larry or Jonathan, who have been pretty active on Twitter lately. My best guess is just that post-impressionism didn't exist until the late 19th century, so he's talking about an art style that hasn't been invented yet.
  4. (Clarification: NOT TRADING!!! 😄 But I do wish I could wipe my memory after recording is done.)
  5. If it's any consolation, I'd actually love to know as much about it as you do. I'm one of those people who plugs their ears and goes "LALALALALALALALALA" during trailers for movies I want to see. Seeing the development process is neat. But the downside is that I haven't been able to just experience a Monkey Island game as it's meant to be experienced since MI2.
  6. It's TOTALLY possible. I mean, I think it's highly unlikely, but if somebody were going to do something like that, it would absolutely be Ron. I am definitely considering the possibility that I will be just as surprised as you.
  7. Yyyyyyyyeah, I did consider the possibility that jumping in may be more of an unintentional taunt than anything. And I'm sure the intentional (but meant in good humor!) taunt on Twitter this week probably didn't help. But yeah, even if I weren't the type to play it straight by nature, a Disney NDA definitely has a way of, um... solidifying my commitment to secrecy 😄
  8. It's always weird and surreal right up until I start reading the first few lines, and then it suddenly feels like the most natural thing in the world 🙂 (Hopefully it sounds that way, too. Fingers crossed.)
  9. Sorry I'm late! Y'all are some crazy bastards. Some beautiful, crazy bastards. Love this thread. Which I have spent half of today reading. (Well... skimming. And sometimes reading. There's a lot.) Mostly jumping in at the moment to send apologies for not responding to the request for VO for the stump joke. I'm usually pretty good about answering people, so the most likely scenario is that I either first got it on the run and totally forgot to respond, or it fell into the gap when Facebook and Instagram started filtering craptons of incoming messages into a "message requests" folder that I had no idea existed. When I finally found those, some of them were literally years old. Either way, I suck. Copious apologies. Though performing Guybrush in an unofficial capacity probably isn't something I could have done anyway, so no harm done. Except for the non-responsive rudeness 😕 Anyway, do carry on. Please keep being awesome. There are, like, twenty threads in here I'd love to revive but I don't want to sow chaos. (Not yet.) 😄 -Dom
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