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Status Updates posted by Achilles

  1. Meh. Okay. You told me all I needed to know with "cringed worthy dialogue moments and a need to suppress any semblance of logic in some areas" :D


    Thanks for the honest review :)

  2. Meh. She might break a nail doing it.


    Finished Dead Money at about 3am. I think I appreciated it more the 2nd time around (first time through was with a character that couldn't really take advantage of any of the featured skills). Gave Veronica Elijah's message and Vera's dress. Trying to figure out where I'm going to sell 70k+ caps worth of Pre-war money.


    Took Logan's Loophole which caps me at level 30. Hit 27 right before coming back and I still have OWB ahead. Also, haven't even been to the Strip yet and I planned on recruiting Arcade this time 'round too.

  3. Meh.


    Made it through Freedom's Progress last night. Landed at Omega and asked myself if I really felt like putting up with regenerating vorcha and krogan on Insanity. Turned off the xbox for the evening, then contemplated firing up AP again. Opted to sleep on it instead. "Chore" is the perfect word. Kudos.

  4. Melee/Unarmed feels like cheating after a while. Except when it comes to Deathclaws and/or Cazadors :(


    My gripe with the DLC is that they break immersion. I really liked the stories of the three I played and, to your point, thought they were tied together well.


    Decided last night that I can probably get three of the four remaining GRA achievements this time around. I'll need to do another Caesar's Legion character to get the last one, so my "one more playthrough" got bumped to "two more playthroughs". Wish I had made the decision sooner, as I've not been hoarding components for time bombs (which I'll need to kill cazadors) :(. The new DLC "enhances" the Legion Assassin Squad function so that they don't just come at you once anymore.

  5. Met up with KinchyB for a couple of beers after work. Got home, played for about 30 minutes and decided that I was too sleepy to play (passed out by 8pm?! When did I get old?).

    Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Get better soon.

  6. Might be cutting it close. Are Virmire and Noveria all you have left? Even if you use the Mako to weaken all the big-baddies then hop out get the XP for the kill on-foot, you might be a little thin. Hate when that happens :(


    Just finished Dead Money. Apparently my source was wrong and you do get to keep everything you pick up. It was entertaining, but I'm sure that I'll be too quick to go back for seconds.

  7. Mimi broke YT again :(


    I finally finished LR. I have to say that it's probably my least favorite of the 4. Going to give it one more try with a different character.

  8. Mobo and PSU go in tonight. Everything else is supposed to be here tomorrow.


    I'm having second thoughts about holding off on this:




    Ah, well. Not like it's going anywhere.

  9. Modified the Soldier build:


    Adrenaline Rush - 4 (Heightened evolution)

    Concussive Shot - 4 (Heavy evolution)

    Disruptor, Incendiary, & Cryo - 3

    Combat Mastery - 4 (Shock Trooper)

    Fortification - 2


    Noticed that I was only using Fortification when I was close to death and needed an extra few seconds to get to cover. Heavy CS gives me 350 against barriers, which will be prevalent later in the game and against which I was otherwise mostly powerless.

  10. More on congressional redistricting in TX.



  11. More unsolicited advice: Build your character in such a way that you can take Vigilant Recycler as soon as it's available. Veronica turns out to be a really great companion for Energy Weapon focused Couriers (though I tend to take ED-E and Arcade since my EW PCs tend to be nerds) since she's a portable workbench (e.g. you can recycle energy ammo via dialog with her).


    P.S. Your Legion playthough might a great opportunity for Hardcore mode since you won't have to worry about ammo.

  12. My body doesn't respond well to the scented stuff. This is how I roll:


  13. My character isn't much of a big spender, however I do seem to have a thing about buying rings and amulets. When I came across a necklace that offered 100% poison immunity, I thought that it probably wouldn't be that helpful, but picked it up nonetheless.


    If you also come across such an item and have a similar debate about usefulness, I recommend throwing caution to the wind and buying it. You may have need of something with this specific attribute whilst completing the main quest.

  14. My interested was finally starting to wane, but then I finally got the DLC and noticed that it came with new perks, so I'm kinda jazzed about a couple more builds I have planned.


    I'm sorry to hear about your mother. If it were the flu or something we could both keep our fingers crossed for a speedy recovery, but... :(

  15. My last run was just shy of 140 hours (139:47). I did HH, DM, and LR in that order.


    Started a new guy that's going to focus on explosives (thanks GRA!) and he'll do all 4 (HH, DM, OWB, LR).

  16. My previous Shep carried it but only fired it once or twice (she actually fired less than 100 rounds for the whole game - Adept is overpowered for Normal). This Shep uses it a lot :)


    Apparently you only need about 20% Paragon to get Zaeed's loyalty without also killing Vido.

  17. My son came in while I had the website up, looking at your new bad boy. He wanted to know what all the numbers were for. I explained that they were programmable buttons and showed him the one on mine as an example.


    Then it occurred to me that I could probably program that button for dragon shouts. It's now the Fus Do Rah button :)


    So thank you for reminding me that programmable mouse buttons are awesome.

  18. My XBOX issue appears to have resolved itself while I was at work today.


    My new Shepard: http://i1006.photobucket.com/albums/af183/Di-Duchell/Aiden.jpg


    Doing another Soldier/Insanity run. Not starting with an ME2 import this time. Wanna see how much of difference that makes.

  19. My...that's a...lot of credits *blinks hard*


    The end seemed a little anti-climatic. Great locations though.


    Was hoping to get all the achievements, but only got some. She mentioned visiting so maybe I can come back.

  20. New case came today.




    After 5 years of Shuttle, I'm not used to anything this big :(

  21. Next ME2/ME3 playthrough: Ashley dies, but no ME1 romance with Liara. Romance Miranda in 2 and 3, but she buys it on Horizon. I think that has potential.


    How are things looking for your event this weekend?

  22. Nice. :)


    I'm actually a little shocked. I started this run thinking that melee/unarmed was going to be significantly more difficult than guns/energy weapons, but it seems (surprisingly) that the opposite is true. Apparently a lot of things die if you hit them in the head with a lead pipe. Taking out a Giant Radscorpion with a tire iron is also fun, but be sure to bring along lots of antivenom just in case.

  23. No problems with install whatsoever. Stoffe should heed the signs and not install the game (I just suffered a crash after defeating a rather larger arachnid).


    Hurry up and hate TOR so you can play Skyrim wif us. It's purdy.

  24. No sir, it is not. :(


    The SGU podcast discussed it a few weeks back. Apparently this woman has made other videos as well.

  25. No, I did not. Yes, you may. :)


    P.S. Let me know if you want more.

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