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Status Updates posted by Achilles

  1. Congratulations to the Discovery Institute for finally finding a forum that would allow them to get the "strengths and weaknesses" language into legislation. I think we can safely begin counting down the days until we see another attempt in Texas with the new precedent. And from there it'll only be a few short years until every textbook in every classroom in the U.S. is helping to promote "critical thinking"



  2. According to UPS my delivery date has been pushed back to tomorrow :(

  3. Almost certain.


    I hate lights. And my liquid cooling solution is CPU only.

  4. Mobo and PSU go in tonight. Everything else is supposed to be here tomorrow.


    I'm having second thoughts about holding off on this:




    Ah, well. Not like it's going anywhere.

  5. New case came today.




    After 5 years of Shuttle, I'm not used to anything this big :(

  6. hehe, how's that workin' out for ya? ;)

  7. Ooo, good point. Too many games coming out this year :(

  8. Ooo, I think I like this guy :D


    IGN: Finally, a few silly questions. Is there a unicorn in Skyrim?


    Todd Howard: That's DLC. For a hundred dollars.


    IGN: Can you ride dragons in Skyrim?


    Todd Howard: Not in the way you're asking.


    Can you levitate in Skyrim?


    Todd Howard: Another DLC. Three hundred dollars.


    Side-note: If the TES and ME3 release dates hold, November could be rough.

  9. Little late for April's Fools. :(

  10. That's one heck of a "where are they now?" :)


    I think I'm about 4 years away from being debt-free (less if this promotion goes through) and want to start rebuilding my portfolio. I have to attribute most of previous nest egg to being in the right place at the right time and am trying for "more 'good' than 'lucky'" this time 'round.

  11. Finally received notification from NewEgg that the last of my stuff shipped today. Last time I place an order on a Thursday. :(


    Side-note: You don't by chance do any sort of CFP stuff on the side, do you?


    Sorry to hear about your water. The long drive home, all you can think about is a hot shower and a cold beer, then... :(

  13. Speaking of game purchases, I don't know if Deus Ex is on your radar, but you may want to take a closer look at the pre-order bonuses if you are thinking about picking it up. I've pre-ordered through GameStop, but I'm thinking about switching to Best Buy or Amazon because that package better suits my playing style.


    On second thought, I think you might be happier with the Automated Unlocking Device. ;)

  14. Sorry, I didn't realize that that was a question when you posted that before. No, the varren do not count. And the achievement is actually ridiculously easy. The guards can be looking straight at you, from 15 feet away. The triggers appear to be the doorways. So long as you don't enter the room they are in or cross a doorway, you can run around in circles in front of them and not get noticed. :(

  15. How do I forward these? :xp:

  16. Last year it was Jae vs atheists. This year it's you vs. Obsidian. What is this; each year one of you gets a shot at your whipping boy of choice?


    EDIT: btw, I did have heart palpitations for about a second and a half, so we'll say you got me.

  17. I did. Well, I didn't and then I did. I thought I was on-track to get it, but then I didn't. I realized that the game registered an alert, even though I reloaded to an earlier save after it happened. I saved where I was (post-Object Rho) and restarted the mission. Once I picked up the the Achievement, I reverted back to my save and continued.


    P.S. for what the charged, I'm still a little upset that I didn't get a new weapon, etc. And WTF is that unopenable door past the sensors for?

  18. I was playing it for so long that I'm actually missing it a little. I think we need this time apart though. Ultimately it will be good for our relationship.

  19. I get paid at midnight. The part that isn't going toward rent is currently sitting in my Newegg shopping cart waiting for me to push a button :)

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