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Status Updates posted by Achilles

  1. Hehe. No "getting old" jokes, I promise.


    Count down to Alpha Protocol...


    My pre-order through Game Crazy just blew up in my face (actually it blew up on Oct, but I just now found out about it). Pretty sure I'm not going to get that $ back. Pre-ordered again through Best Buy. Not loving the fact that I most likely spent $100 for AP :(

  2. Hehe


    "um, my eyes are up here" :)

  3. Hello to you as well, mimi. Sorry I missed your b-day. I only remembered it about a week a late this year :) Hope you and your family (even the rat-dog) are all doing well.


    Still at TOR I see?

  4. Here we go again...

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  5. Here's another one for your radar for when your Skyrim is mod-friendly.




    Personally, I'm waiting for the CS to come out before I get this one. I have some ideas on how to integrate it into the game.

  6. Here's another one:




    I had a courier come tell me about a word wall after I killed a dungeon full o' bandits and draugr last night. I decided that enough was enough. Hopefully this works the way I think it does ;)

  7. Hey remember this? http://lucasforums.com/showpost.php?p=2801946&postcount=496

    They're making sounds about releasing it next week. That would make it 3.


    I say we hope in a car and drive all night to Maryland and tp the **** out of their ****.

  8. Hey, I thought that you would appreciate the humor of this gaffe.


    Strike 27 against your economics cred, McCain.

  9. Hint: Buy every weapon mod you can.

    You keep them all when you import an ME3 Shep. I-V in the first play through. VI-X in the second. I suspect you can't get to X in round two if you don't go to V in round one.

  10. Hit level 46 last night and after doing more research into how the leveling system works, I'm really not sure whether or not I'll be able to get 50. Apparently the "soft cap" of 50 is more than slightly misleading. Each level is progressively harder to get to than the one before (which gets very noticeable around level 40), therefore by the time you get to 50 it feels as though the world stopped spinning.


    I'll give Bethesda credit for building an economy that doesn't feel broken, however now that I've reached a level where loot is ebony and/or glass everything, I'm reminded of why I had no looting arms or armor rule. The money is nice though as training is expensive. I need the loot to pay for the training so that I can level more effectively so that I can get to 50. I'll be happy when I get to 50 and get the achievement so that I can go back to playing how I want to play again.

  11. Hmmm. I

    hijacked an Atlas

    for that one.


    I think I used 3 medi-gel in my first run: 1 just to see what it did, 1 during a boss fight toward the end, and 1 during a particularly nasty fight back on Earth that I'm REEEAAALLLYY not looking forward to doing on Insanity *goes to his happy place to avoid emotional trauma* (took me almost a dozen tries on Normal)

  12. Hmmm....I may need to revisit my no femshep policy



  13. Hmmm...never noticed it with sabers :(


    Course, maybe I'm just not paying attention either :p

  14. Hmmm...wasn't aware that NewsCrap owned IGN. Crazy.



  15. Holy schnikes! I actually lost Tali's trial. This "pure neutral" thing is a lot harder than I thought :(


    EDIT: Hey, wait a second...the Geth Shield Strength upgrade reads, "Upgraded squad members with geth shield technology". I know that means Legion. Does that mean me too?!

  16. Hope your mom is ok.


    I ended up popping the game in and then dozing until it was time to put him to bed. Maybe tomorrow. For both of us.

  17. I added ED-E to the mix before shutting down for the night.


    I'm enjoying VATS far too much (my Courier has ridiculous AGL, so he sneaks around and shoots people/things in the head. No, I didn't name him "Michael" or "Thorton").

  18. I agree. There isn't much "RP" in this RPG but it's fun and it's pretty. I am particularly enjoying the loyalty missions, though I have to admit that the "disjointed" feel of the first game has been carried over and, to some degree, amplified in 2.


    I really, really like that weapons are no longer skill based and that party members are no longer saddled with weapons that they don't/won't use.

  19. I also just remembered how much I love tactical cloak + cryo ammo on a submachine gun and melee attacks on frozen targets :D


    30 hours in and I've been using the wrong damn ammo the whole time.

  20. I always seemed to find ammo significantly faster than I could use it :)


    Well, if you're headed back to skyrim, I have a couple of mods you might like:




    I'm in the process of cleaning up a few others and making them public-ready. I'll ping you as I release them.

  21. I am going with glitch.


    Ended up pushing things until 2 to finish the second round. Not sure if I was just tired or because I knew what was coming but Liara's farewell got me. Also, was able to rekindle things with Ash. That was exceptionally well done also. Not gratuitous. Not sappy. Just honest.

  22. I attempted to pick pocket Easy Pete while he was sleeping. Lost favor with the denizens of Goodsprings and ended up not being able to pick up some quests.


    Starting over. Still going to steal things, just not going to steal things that belong to other people.

  23. I brought my xbox with me to work today so that I could dl/install the classic pack that came with the game.


    I will begin my first playthrough tonight when I get home.

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