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Status Updates posted by mimartin

  1. I didn't like that either. Lucky Lynk told me that too or I would have messed up the Geth/Quarian quest line. So D. If you mess up A and B you can get the the worse ending possible for C. I liked that they had the quts they did to do some of the Ds, I just don't like how they decided to get to the Ds.

  2. Not sure when they show up, first time I remember them showin up is post-Udina when I settle a discussion about arming civilians.

  3. Right away check your war assets details under citedal defense ( I think). Written on my phone while walking ratdog, so if this does not make sense that is my excuse.)

  4. Regarding the Counsel: It would be bad writing if they just came out and said Shepard was right all along. If Shepard was right that would mean they were wrong. When have you ever seen a politician come out and say they were wrong?

  5. I do like the ending better. Even understand it more, I guess not being 1:30 am on a work night helps.


    It is clear Shepard is out for some time when the Reapers shoots. Reaper lands and starts firing. After a few minutes Shepard takes a near hit which badly wounds her and knocks her unconscious. When she wakes up the Reapers are taking off. What the hell, does everyone think the Reapers only did a dust off (land fire a few shots and take off)? From what we know about Reapers, they landed, killed everyone then waited around until they were sure everyone was dead and then took off. The Crucible was not a threat the Citadel’s arms were still closed. The only threat to the Reapers was someone getting onto the Citadel from that beam. I can’t see how anyone can sanely argue that Shepard was only out a few seconds. I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't out for a hour at least.

  6. Got the choice for TIM this time, like it better when he didn't take that way out.

  7. I just came up with another Shepard reason should have lived.



    With all the drinks Shepard was promised there is no way she would have died.


  8. Still haven't reached the ending. Female Shepard just went blue. I don't know why I didn't reconize or even notice the voices in the dreams my first playthrough. I believe I'm starting to go from disappointed in the ending, to loving the entire thing. Still unsure in my mind why hearing Ashley, Mordin, Thane and Legion has changed my perspective of the ending, but I no longer think the dreams are annoying.

  9. Joker's sister...I was stupid enough to okay the spectre request too.

  10. Just wrong when I left out the n't in isn't.


    I don't think I've heard the commando story.

  11. Javik may be a jerk, but I’m thinking I really like him. He tells it like it is. I also think he conveys much of what BioWare was trying to accomplish with the game. I just don’t think most people understood the scope of the story BioWare was trying to tell. Like Javik says it isn't about victory for this cycle, but for all cycles.

  12. Yeah, but the Krogan was sick from eating too many fish. :)

  13. "You’re like half robot at this point. No offense EDI."


    "There's a Reaper in my way, Wrex!"


    Trying to decide my favorite line.

  14. Shepard got her butt kicked. I think I was tired the first time through this, I didn't notice how freaking good this was the first time through.

  15. The dreadnought mission is even better with Liara and Tali, when male Shepard went with Liara in one and Tali in two. EDI doesn't let the Shadowbroker miss that fact either. :)

  16. found the last model...In the War Room with a lead pipe.

  17. No clue... Kasumi was my Tali in ME2 (since Tali was pretty useless), her and Garrus were my team. As much as I bitched about her as DLC saying it was useless and poor writting, I really learned to enjoy her character. I would have loved if she could have joined up in ME3 instead of taking Ashley or Carth Jr. I now remember why this is my only save with Kaidan alive. Wow the Map thing works on the ship too, no more running everwhere looking for wayward Garrus.

  18. I've played this game around 64 hours now. I just figured out you can us LB and RB to see all the maps. :(

  19. Yeah I found the last to models. Wait no, still missing one. :(

  20. Mordin is awesome because he can pull off Gilbert and Sullivan. :)

  21. Have you heard the entire Garrus and James converstaion on the Crew Deck when they are comparing war stories? The last one LMAO.

  22. Tali has some touching words for Legion...Don't know if it is in only the good outcome only or not.


    Also go find Garrus before getting to earth. It can be funny at first (depending on Shepard's love interest not being Garrus or Tali), but then the three of them together almost brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it. Too bad Tali sucked so bad in ME2 (combat wise) would love to do a playthrough were I only used those two when I had a choice. Pretty much do that in ME1 and ME3. I wouldn't play without both of them. They are the American Express of the Mass Effect universe, I don't leave home without them.

  23. I was thinking more along the lines of Kasumi and Zaeed...Although even the first one had Zaeed. Only thing I've noticed from Overlord was a couple converstations. No clue, maybe I just did a better job scanning or maybe a higher level import.

  24. Well i'm at a higher Total and Effective Military Strength now than I was at the end of my first run through and I still haven't been to talk to the Asari Councilor yet. I've only found a couple mission I missed and a couple more planets scanned. Not sure if the ME2 DLC adds that much, but it must.

  25. Never going to find out, like I wrote in your thread I think the relationships are better done than the story, so if Garrus and Tali are not there nether am I.


    My understanding with shepard living isn't worth the effort. You get a extra 10 second clip of a dark spot that may or may not be Shepard. Hell if could be TIM getting up from what I could see. :)


    Getting close to the end of my second play through. Gave BioWare a little too much credit on my first play through for making the Tali/Liara love triangle really good. However, other than a few lines of dialogue everything place out pretty close to the same and this female Shepard was always true to Liara. I like this Shepard better, but she has had to break a few hearts telling them no. Male Shepard was nice, but only had to tell Liara that it was over.

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