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  • Biography
    Mobile Defense Agent
  • Location
    Kingdom of Heaven
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    Knowledge and Enlightment
  • Occupation
    Pilot of Battle Suit Aegis 11
  • Current Game
    League of Legends
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  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Jedi Outcast
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  1. After that, the Sith tricked the Republic into forming an alliance with the them, which prompted the Jedi Order to preemptively leave Coruscant. The Sith covertly provided both the Republic and the New Empire with the tools to destroy each other, and when they were supposed to help the Republic destroy the New Empire, they instead laid waste to Coruscant and rendered the Republic effectively defunct. However, what was left of both the Republic and the New Empire called a truce, and formed the Galactic Resistance. As for the distancing, Kalla was just referring to her non-military and non-Jedi friends in general, but one thing I never actually wrote down, but meant to, was that while Andorra and Lenatha were on their Honeymoon on Aquilaris, that planet was also attacked and conquered by the Sith, and they were only able to escape through the intervention of Kalla and Tonatius.

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