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    I like the rhythm method
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    south of Gundagai
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  1. (You will want to read from bottom post up since it shows most recent post first...)

    Anyway, so far as other martial arts, Kenpo has served me well; I can disarm others, I can stop encounters from escalating, and most useful I learned some tactics to avoid injuries from falls. My instructor was the first woman in the lineage to become a black belt champion. Mitoshi's lineage. This was a turning point for me with martialist/martial arts philosophy. Before, I'd been a scrapper and a brawler.


    Since I have a friend who was a kenpo 'master' (I think he has slipped a bit, personally) we occasionally strategize and spar. He's beaten me more often, but on the ground I managed to get the better of him once and he could not get out of it. He either keeps it a striking match, or uses his natural attributes if it gets upclose--he hasn't made the same mistake since. I'm used to fighting larger opponents. So someone like yoda would probably kill me....continues

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