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    I like the rhythm method
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    south of Gundagai
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  1. Friends and I have our "guild" where we go out in the woods and set up. Unarmed or weapons.


    I have putted around with Kendo and large melee armaments. Informally on and off. Kendo is principally much the same as other sword arts--application is different. Furthermore it is so philosophical and it requires a certain mindset. Euro sword arts are what you make of them and what you bring to them. I mean no discredit whatsoever to either one. Kendo is more formally established like a school or way of life. Euro is its own discipline and not so formal. I don't get into which one is better--a martial art is not best judged based on how good it is against another, it is best judged on whether it is effective (and HOW effective) it is for the purpose for which it was developed/intended. ...continues.

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