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    A college grad attempting to finish my MA in Comm Studies and am going crazy studying for my comp exams!!!
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    Buried in books...literally
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    Building minatures of astrodroids, my greatest was R4-H3, a fully functional astromech droid with capabilities that could rival R2-D2 and I train as a member of the Zelkan Handmaidens of Andorra
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    Teaching communications and anthropology
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    Assassin's Creed
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  • Favorite LucasArts Game
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  1. I considered Avalon primarily for two reasons:

    1. Consider the symbolism of such an attack. To use an analogy, I think it would comparable to Sauron decimating Rivendell, which was recognised by the Free Peoples of Middle Earth as a safe place.

    2. Part VIII also begins with Andorra marrying Lenatha, and I want the two events to coincide. Andorra would be more likely to want to get married on Avalon than Belos.


    But I suppose I could step the attack up from just one planet to the entire system.

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