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Fangames legal


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I didn't know lucasfiles was an official LA site, I just thought it was another site hosted by Mojo, or even just a site on it's own. Why else would it link mojo and the other major mi, sw, and lec sites that aren't officialy linked to LA?


Meh, and fangames haven't exactly been illegal as such, just as long as you don't use files from the games themselves to make a game of your own and put an LEC tradmarked name onto it, I think you're fine (so if i desiged the charchters myself as well as the backgrounds and sounds, I could call my main character guybrush who has adventures with lechuck and elaine, and just maybe have monkey island in the title without getting told off). It's a complicated and unbalanced business.

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my understanding of it is that fan games are always illegal, but most companies just don't bother taking any legal actions because either they don't know about it, they don'thave enough resources, or they don't want to appear boarish.


Yeah I knew that most fangames were illegal, and that most companies don't really care. But for some reason, Lucasarts does not seem to like Fangames. Remember the whole "Fate of Monkey Island" incident? For those of you who don't know. i'll fill you in.

A few years back, a games programmer called Scurvyliver made a Monkey Island fangame called "The Fate of Monkey Island". It was downloaded over 10,000 times, and he decided to make a sequal. But before he could finish, Lucasarts shut the program down, claiming he had "Misrepresentaed their characters". I realise that Lucas arts had every right to do this, but really, that's just punishing a loyal fan for trying to bring joy to other loyal fans without making a profit.

Anyway, From my source, i was told that the sight was official, and that there was a notice about it on the Lucasarts homepage. I probably shuld have said "I think this site is official" but it was late and i was tired, and the thought didn't cross my mind.

Oh, and i sent an email to http://www.lucasfiles.com asking whether it was legal to submit Lucasarts fangames. They said it was legal.


Scurvylive's homepage is http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Adventure/6446/news.html . He now works on project that arn't likley to get him sued again.

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Scurvyliver's home page is actually here, the one on geocities has been gathering dust for around a year.


Lucas Legal seem to have figured out that shutting down crappy fan-games isn't exactly great for public relations, as I've seen a few re pop up in the past few years. It's much more annoying to see projects like ScummVM threatened.


There's a similar thread to this over here.

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