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Why so long for the UK version?


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Guest DarthMaulUK

The UK version won't be coming this year and might not arrive until middle 2004.




Because Galaxies has so many problems. SOE are working overtime to fix all the bugs - rightly so, we are paying a lot of money to 'play' the game.


The one thing that does concern me is if they do set up a European server, it won't get the same level of 'support' as the others do and when it becomes over crowded with lag and other problems, it will be the last to be looked at.


I have Galaxies and although the community is wonderful, its a very empty game currently and the bugs make grown men cry.


(I recently lost 200k worth of weapons, a back pack with 100k of goods in it, in addition to crashing when using shuttles , or given a death blow....lag, slow controls, i could go on)


If you feel brave enough to play, check out the Eclispe server as this is the unofficial UK/europe server and has lots of problems..hence what i said about a real European server.



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wow DMUK..... you had problems :)

i have been playing since 4 days after release till now... only thing im really mad about is the constant recource change on the Starsider.... i have all my harvesters payed for 2 weeks.. and i come back after a week and i find out i have little over a k on each harvester....... they changed the recources a day after i went away.... a weeks worth of money down the drain.... thats wehat impissed about...


other then that.. this game rocks :)

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Guest DarthMaulUK



The problems i have mentioned are NOTHING compared to the problems i had for the first 3 weeks, meaning I only actually had 1 week 'free' play.


I spent over £400 for upgrades I didnt need, and all thanks to a forumer, i got the game to work.


Basically the problem is because the graphics in galaxies is so lame, your graphics card has to surrender graphcial control to SWG, so you have to turn off a few things in your BIOS and in your settings...and bingo..its fine, despite the errors mentioned


But it STILL sucks overall as a game



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i know you can oreder this game through import over here - but i think I will wait till the Euro Release - If there are problems with the game then hopefully they will have been sorted by then and the community may have blossomed somewhat.....


DMUK, you say not to expect a release before mid 2004 but all the most of the online ordering companies have been given a december 2003 relese date - and when emailed told me that this was what was stated to them by lucasarts - I know these initial release dates tend to slip but they seemed quite stuck on the date given.



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Guest DarthMaulUK

I speak to LA alot and to the lovely Ronda and she was saying that a Euro release for 2003 was not gonna happen.


Of course, dates do change all the time and Sony are just out to make millions of pounds/dollars and give little in return so who knows.


The game will get a bad review if released in the UK as it seems those who are playing online (like me) are paying to beta test.



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Well I have won a copy of SWG's off Ebay for £25 thats including P&P from the USA so I am importing it. £25 isnt bad considering Gameplay.co.uk want £40 for it so I have got at least 2 months free mothly fees from what I have saved. Just gotta wait for the guy to send it coz I have paid him alrdy. Cant wait, should be a lot of fun.


And Yes I am in the UK.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Thats good.


The least amount you pay the better. Sony have alot to learn about how they manage and maintain a community and as such, until a bunch of monkeys run galaxies properly, it will remain a shallow hollow white elephant.


One to AVOID for UKers out there until the paying beta test is over (sometime in the year 3010)



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