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Defending his title of Top Gun - topshot (The Batman, Loyal Dark Knight of DSS) vs. GUNNER (Stone Co


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Stone Cold GUNNAH tried to use his fists. However, The Batman, Loyal Dark Knight of DSS's armor deflected the blow and Stone Cold GUNNAH was injured. Stone Cold GUNNAH lost 24 HP.
Stone Cold GUNNAH taunts:

Damn, just saw this one.... Sorry my bad..

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The Batman, Loyal Dark Knight of DSS used his Dagger, but failed to do any damage to Stone Cold GUNNAH. Stone Cold GUNNAH begins to taunt The Batman, Loyal Dark Knight of DSS! The Batman, Loyal Dark Knight of DSS's anger grows by 10.
The Batman, Loyal Dark Knight of DSS jabs:

Yeah, but it'll be interesting to see how it turns out.

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Stone Cold GUNNAH tried to use his fists. However, The Batman, Loyal Dark Knight of DSS's armor deflected the blow and Stone Cold GUNNAH was injured. Stone Cold GUNNAH lost 24 HP.
Stone Cold GUNNAH blasts:

Damn, go easy on me. I'm old ya know

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The Batman, Loyal Dark Knight of DSS tried to use his fists. However, Stone Cold GUNNAH's armor deflected the blow and The Batman, Loyal Dark Knight of DSS was injured. The Batman, Loyal Dark Knight of DSS lost 28 HP.
The Batman, Loyal Dark Knight of DSS blasts:

Your guess is as good as mine.

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Stone Cold GUNNAH tried to use his fists. However, The Batman, Loyal Dark Knight of DSS's armor deflected the blow and Stone Cold GUNNAH was injured. Stone Cold GUNNAH lost 24 HP.
Stone Cold GUNNAH blasts:

Seems a little odd to me. Oh well, time to fight dirty.


*kick to the balls* :)

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The Batman, Loyal Dark Knight of DSS used his Dagger, but failed to do any damage to Stone Cold GUNNAH. Stone Cold GUNNAH begins to taunt The Batman, Loyal Dark Knight of DSS! The Batman, Loyal Dark Knight of DSS's anger grows by 13.
The Batman, Loyal Dark Knight of DSS shouts:

Ouch! Man, that hurt!


*hits 'im with a titanium-alloy baseball bat.* :)

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Stone Cold GUNNAH tried to use his fists. However, The Batman, Loyal Dark Knight of DSS's armor deflected the blow and Stone Cold GUNNAH was injured. Stone Cold GUNNAH lost 24 HP.
Stone Cold GUNNAH taunts:

You must be wearing your mythril cup huh?

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Spreading his arms in a fit of rage, The Batman, Loyal Dark Knight of DSS casts Focus Beam on Stone Cold GUNNAH, but fails to do any damage. Focus Beam cost 15 MA to cast.
The Batman, Loyal Dark Knight of DSS taunts:

Yeah. Now I just this works.......


*makes a mental connection to Gunnah and prepares to give 'im a major wally of a headache.*

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Spreading his arms in a fit of rage, Stone Cold GUNNAH casts Psychic Overload on The Batman, Loyal Dark Knight of DSS and deals 124 points of damage. The Batman, Loyal Dark Knight of DSS has died!! Psychic Overload also attempts to heal Stone Cold GUNNAH's wounds. Psychic Overload is successful and heals 50 HP while costing 100 MA to cast. It appears that meditation in a cave has some benefits after all!
Stone Cold GUNNAH taunts:

Hope that wasn't your best shot.

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