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Advice on the order of worlds


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Hello all,


I have been playing as a lightsider and my game froze up on Korriban. I did Kashyyk, then Tatooine and then Korriban, hadn't been to Manaan yet. I have now started over. I am hoping for some advice as to the best order to hit each world, not only to avoid any possible glitches and whatnot- but also what's the best way from a gameplay perspective. I decided to go to Manaan first, since I hadn't been there yet, but I realize that there are certain things I will have to come back for later, like the trial which I think Jolee plays a part in and the issue with the datapad that guy gives you.


Does anyone have a preferred sequence and if so why.


Thanks all!

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I found that Tatoonie was really easy as a first planet the first time I went through the game, Kashyyyk second, Korriban, then Manaan.


Second try I did: Manaan, Korriban, Tatoonie, Kashyyyk. I found this way much harder for some reason....my character also had alot less armour, maybe that's why.

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Once I leave Dantooine, I head for Kashyyyk to add Jolee. Then goto Manaan. From there, depending on if I want to be Evil or goodie, I go to Korriban (Light side points) then Tatooine OR goto Tatooine (Dark side points) then Korriban. While at Manaan, I dont finish the missions. I get to the point of where I go underwater then head to a new planet.


Manaan is always the last planet I do. That way if I get the Dominator Gauntlets, I can clone them on Manaan and give a set to everyone. (Same with armor, weapons, shields, masks, etc.). I just wish that Galaxy Droid would show up on the Star Forge so I can get the Custom Robes then go back to Manaan and clone them.

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As I was playing the game today, i noticed alot of goings to Tatooine. Perhaps leaving it til the last would be best?


-Mission's side quest

-Canderous' side quest

-Bastila's side quest

-Genoharaden side quest (twice)

-Juhani's side quest (could be here)


Where as Dantooine and Kashyyyk only deal in the GenoHaraden missions once and Korriban only deals with Carth's side mission. (Always one in the bunch!)

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First Geno quest is either assasinate dude in rep embassy, down the street ;) , or go all the way to Dantooine and AGAIN walk the fields. I'm lazy, so I just go embassy killin (its cool, too). If one choses to 'do' the other guy, will the rewards change? Or anything else?

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No, the rewards stay the same. You just get an extra thing if you kill both.


For killing the first two guys:

1st guy: GenoHaradan Blaster

2nd guy: GenoHaradan Poison Blade


Then the three contracts:

1st contract: GenoHaradan Stealth Unit

2nd contract: GenoHaradan Visor

3rd contract: GenoHaradan Power Gloves


Then killung Hulas:

GenoHaradan Mesh Armor


I could be wrong with the order of the contract killings, however, I dont think it "matches up" with the order you do them in. I.e. if you go kill the shape shifter on Kashyyyk, then go back to Manaan, you get the first item. OR if you kill the guy on Tatooine first, you'd still get the first item. The order doesnt matter. Did I confuse anyone? :confused:

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Tatooine first. You don't even need to finish it. Just go there, and hunt wraids. If you're patient, you can level up alot before the XP you gain from killing them goes too low to be valuable...but you can get decent credit gains from selling their headplates. At 24c per, and four wraids per hunt, it's almost a cheat...but again, patience muchly required. ;)


What's fun for me, personally, is

Calo Nord. He shows up after you get your second Star Map, no matter what planet you're on. It's amusing to see the different ways he finds you. ;)

Just as a little diversion if, like me, you play the game more than once...

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4 desert wraid plates x 24 credits each = 96 credits per trip




1 GenoHaradon Poison Blade - 437c

1 GenoHaradan Blaster - 500c

1 GenoHaradan Visor - 375c

1 GenoHaradan Stealth Unit - 312c

1 GenoHaradan Power Gloves (set of two) - 1750c

1 GenoHaradan Mesh Armor - 1250c


adds up to 4624c x2 (for the two NPC's that go with you under water on Manaan). Gives a grand total of: 9248c for every trip in and out the airlock. Granted, you cant equip both the blaster and the blade. But you get my drift.


Incidentally, the best combo for the Manaan Glitch is:


Cassus Fett's Heavy Blaster (Korriban) - 2500c

-Sanasiki's Blade (Dantooine) - 1750C

Cassus Fett's Armor (Dantooine) - 3750c

-Calo Nord's Battle Armor (Various) - 2500c

-Jamoh Hogra's Battle Armor (Kashyyyk) - 2500c

Heavy Targeting Optics (Dantooine) - 2250c

-Pistol Targeting Optics (Manaan) - 2000c

Karakan Gauntlets (Korriban) - 1850c

-GenoHaradan Power Gloves (Manaan) - 1750c

-Infiltrator Gloves (Dantooine) - 1750c

Yusanis' Dueling Sheild (Korriban) - 490c

-Echani Dueling Shields (Various) - 420c

CNS Strength Enhancer (Dantooine) - 2150c

Electrical Capacitance Shield (Kashyyyk) - 2150c

-Thermal Shield Generator (dont remember) - 2000c

Sith Regenerator (Implant)(Korriban) - 2125c

-Cyber Reaction System (dont remember) - 1875c


and whatever the prices are for the upgrades for the armor and blasters.


Tier 1 items: 18105c

Tier 2 items: 14465c


So that's like 20grand a character x2 characters, is a crap load of money. I think you'd be able to get enough computer spikes for everything in the game. Don't even worry about using skill points on computer usage.

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