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Something Big Is Coming.


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....not really just a mod i am now working on for jedi academy and jedi outcast.



you will have to wait till you get the game to see what they are like. but i am happy to say that it will have the best stuff in it has well has the sounds in it has well.



i hope you will have fun when it is out. it will make the game more fun. more better. just keep and eye open at http://www.pcgamemods.com week after i get the game one the 19th of september.:D

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Personally I think mods (and the patches) ruined JO. Therefore I'm not very eager to see new mods.


I just hope that it won't be something that tranforms JA into a amazingly kewl chatroom with 923576 emotes and 38 new admin commands to abuse.


New sounds: great.

New hilts/skins/visual candy: great.


New superduper polka quadruple-edged saborz wielding AT-ST:s with jetpacks that get Force lvl 6 and teh staff of ultimate Whine+kickbanning Lamers: No thanks.


Be careful. Don't screw too much with JA. Your mod might infest all servers before you know it. ;)

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There were plenty of good mods, we just remember the Admin mods because they were crappy.


Out of all the jedimod spinoffs, ProMod was the best, the rest were pretty crappy with the admin options and invincible emotes.


I say mod the hell out of this game. Make lots of Siege Maps and port all the good maps from JK2.


Just don't make anymore admin mods... ; )

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