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A question and some observations


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First the question: How do you kick in this game? I tried double tapping jump or timing the jump but no kick resulted. The only time I have been able to knock the AI's down is when I jump on their heads.


Observation 1: The special attacks are now done by pressing th jump and attack buttons at the same time. In JKII you had to time jump + forward while already swinging the saber. Being that this game almost certainly allows scripting again won't this make it incredibly easy to script these moves to single keys?


Observation 2: The special attacks for the twin sabers and the dual blade saber are pretty but seemingly worthless. Much better are their crouch (sit still) press forward + attack combo moves. Anyone else wish the specials for these two types would have more substance and less flare?


Observation 3: All the special attacks are weak in the demo. Do you think this will carry over into the multi player? I'm not sure if I like it or not, perhaps a tiny bit more bite would be nice, but no where near the one hit wonders they were in JKII.


Observation 4: I almost cried out in glee when I saw that they are defensible now instead of instant hits, and that the DFA can turn. Perfect because now you can spam it because it can be easily blocked, but you can adjust it, bravo Raven!

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Question answer: You jump on the head, just like in JO SP.


Observation 1 answer: Even though Raven have said they'll make SP and MP sber comat more alike this time around, this will most likely not be that same in MP.


Observation 2 answer: Yes, the specials are just "get forward faster while doing some minor damage" but I guess that's why they have those twirling things o' doom. And finally yes, if they actually coud kill they'd be much nicer to use.


Observation 3: Don't know about that really... I've not played much single saber.


#4: Guess we'll have to rely upon Raven that they do this better in MP....

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Question answer: you can knock them down by jumping on there head but its hard to capitalize that way, the only weapon you can truly kick with in all directions and multiple ways is the lightstaff by pressing mouse button 2 or whatever you have your secondary attack binded to.


Observation 2: Not all moves are meant for a death blow, the fancy twirl moves as you call them are meant to distract confuse your opponent and glancing blows. Very seldom will a twirl over your head land a kill, kill moves are thrust stab, downward stab, side to side swings work too and the overhead swing is good.


Observation 3: There not week, there is a location based damage system, to land more fatal blows hit the head and torso areas, usually a stab to the gut or head is fatal. Very big improvemnt from JK2. All though many people upon playing the demo feel that this game is nothing more then a spam and button mash game, that is not the case.

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Originally posted by Destino

First the question: How do you kick in this game? I tried double tapping jump or timing the jump but no kick resulted. The only time I have been able to knock the AI's down is when I jump on their heads.

Apart from jumping on top of them, you can't.


Originally posted by Destino

Observation 1: The special attacks are now done by pressing th jump and attack buttons at the same time. In JKII you had to time jump + forward while already swinging the saber. Being that this game almost certainly allows scripting again won't this make it incredibly easy to script these moves to single keys?

It also makes it incredibly easy to do it normally, so why bother scripting something so trivial?
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Need I point out that you couldn't kick enemies in JK2 SP either...

it was an MP only feature.


The same might be true of JA.. or it might not. You may only be able to kick with the Saberstaff.


All of the moves are useful, just in different situations. Some of the moves may seem "crappy" in a duel situation, but that's because they are better suited to fighting people who don't have sabers!


At least that's how I interpret it...

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I've tried all three saber types, (the single on medium stance), and I found most of the 'special' attacks to be quite effective. The forward thrust can be particularly deadly, and I found the cartwheel to be effective - it makes a nice finishing move. For dual sabers the saber barrier can be effective if you've already chipped away at enemy defences, and the crouch forward attack is also good when an enemy is off-guard. I didn't do as well with the saberstaff, which requires a better understanding of how kicks are used in particular situations. I was never much one for kicking.


If anything, I found the ordinary saber attacks to be weaker than some of the special moves.


As others have already stated, the MP saber combat will be similar to SP...but will obviously have to be better balanced for MP. Saber damage scales will be changed for the different MP modes, so in FFA for example, the sabers will do more damage.

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