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WoooooHooooo: Strategies (JA Demo)


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I just got away from a great game. man i love the chandrila level of the demo.


anyway i discovered some awesome stuff. This is stuff that u can put in the user submissions if you so feel obliged, Kurgan. :p


Alright, Heres some stuff with:

Dual Lightsabers

Ping Pong

I thinka great new force feature (at least as far as i see it) is the reborn/cultist resistance to force pushing. You really do have to catch them off guard in JA, as opposed to JK2 where you could toss em around like monkeys toss feces :p. By pressing the fire mode button (Default: Mouse 3) you can shut off the second saber, leaving you in fast style. If you've read my previous submissions, you know how useful fast style can be. THe spins in fast style are the sh*t, excuse my greek, but they are. Something quick and simple is to kill your second saber, slash and spin with the single one still open (left/right + attack, holding left/right, Attack again to spin) then pop a mouse 3 on the enemy. Using the Dual Saber Attack Kata (press Tab in-game and go to moves. go to the dualsabers and see attack kata), you can execute a couple of flips and interesting acrobatics. Keep in mind that the Attack Kata takes one Force mana and you cover plenty of ground in doing so, so dont expect to do this on a thin walkway. If you dont kill the opponent with the Kata itself, Force Push him and he should fall, off guard. If you didnt catch him on the edge of the canyon (In chandrila) then he should at least have fallen down. A simple Jump+Coruch+Attack upon landing with thrust both sabers down into the ground through his chest--Instant kill.


Attack+Flip+Double Saber Spin

Anybody know how to execute y Attack+Flip+Attack from Outcast? THis works almost the same way. Hold down attack for a sec or two so your guy is waving his sabers like a moron, then flip over your opponent. (Attack[Hold 1-2 sec]+Jump Flip over him+then tap left/right and tap back[simultaneously]+Attack)


The manuever, if done right, should be a sweet display of jedi acrobatics. It's a simple attack+flip+back attack, practically the same as using fast saber style with a single lightsaber and doing a flip over the opponent and a backstab. It sounds complicated, but it isnt at all.

Note: I have seen two variations of this move. In one, the Jedi only swings one of the lightsabers around, but i think if you gently TAP attack, the Jedi will swing both in unison. It's sweet, but if you hold the Attack button down, then he'll only swing one saber.


Saber Staff

Two on One

Ever get to that spot in the demo where you'rd entering the last temple, then you're confronted withy two dual-saber-wielding Jedi? Yeah, me too. Oh, and those guys are damn good.


Somewhere between Force Speed and the fact that camping doesnt get you anywhere in Jedi Knight, i think walking got lost. I have never seen anybody use it. Belive me that's one hell of a mistake. If you simply walk and hold attack with a saber staff, the Jedi will twirl it above his head, and from there, you can flip, you can attack left or right, you can attack behind, you can take off two heads at once, you get the idea. Anyway, going up against those two jedi i walked+hold attack to spin the saber above my head. the effect is boundless against these two because their botroutes lead them to walk towards eachother before they attack you. Once the take their first swings, run again and Tap attack repeatedly. If you can manage it, press left and attack and then right and secondary, effectively parrying the left jedi and kicking the right. While the Right jedi is on the ground, execute the Saber Staff Attack Kata, and take down the Left Jedi. Now both of these guys use Force Push alot, so i activate Absorb right about now. Then lay Force Speed on em and take out the right Jedi. If you failed to take down the left jedi, try the same strategy again. A great way to line them up is to do a cartwheel. Get one opponent closer than the other, then cartwheel in front of the closer opponent. Deactivate one side of your Lightaber (Mouse3) then Crouch roll and tap attack, effectively One-Hit Killing the Jedi. By then your Force mana should be back so Speed+Slash the next one to death, Saber-Staff or Single Saber, whichever fits you.

Note: Sorry i couldnt split all of the Saber Staff strat into different strats, I wouldnt know what to name them and theyre very basic.


Stick around and ill post some more.

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I read it, I just couldn't think of anything to say that would top that!




Anyway, yeah man, can't wait to see all the great strategies posted for the full game when it comes out.


I'm not big on posting demo stuff (except to mess around like the cheats thread) but sith is working on a walkthrough already.


So whatever floats your boat, as they say. ; )

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When I was playing JA Demo, and I was in the ending of Chandrila level and I saw those guys, I was tired of fighting Jedi, so I was stupid enough to run between them to the chamber where the staff guy is, having to fight those 3... luckily e killed them all, VERY LUCKILY!!! (4 HP remaining... I'll never forget that...)

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