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Quest for Soul Calibur - topshot (Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves) vs. Lil Killa (Lil Killa)

Lil Killa

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Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves used his Dagger, but failed to do any damage to Lil Killa. Lil Killa begins to taunt Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves! Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves's anger grows by 13.
Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves shouts:

Good. Now I wonder why they call it "BASIC" if it's actually more like "CONFUSING?" :p (obvious pun intended)

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Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves used his Dagger, but failed to do any damage to Lil Killa. Lil Killa begins to taunt Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves! Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves's anger grows by 15.
Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves blasts:

True, true. Anyways, tomorrow's the anniversary of the day the terrorists bombed the WTC. Majorly depressing that day. :( What did you think of it when that happened?

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Lil Killa used his Blood Sword to deal 213 points of damage. Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves tried to dodge, but was not successful. Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves has died!!
Lil Killa shouts:

I was at school and didn't know why the teachers were acting funny but I just thought it looked weird seeing the plains flying into the buildings.. My B-day is Friday:D

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