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Chaotic saber battles?


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Ever play a Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat game against somebody who doesn't know how to play? They just hit buttons at random (aka "buttom mashing") and hope for the best.




At first, when I played the demo for JK3, It did seem like button mashing for me too.. but then, really there isnt any big amount of differences from SP JK2 and SP JK3, the lightsaber speeds are almost identical..


Give it some time, and before you know it, button mashing = suicide

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lol, man you just finished saying how you don't want it to be underpowered.


"affirmative kidso, but i hope they havent waned out the guns. the concussion rifle better be as good as i remember it back in Jedi Knight: Dark Forces."


It's no different besides the fact that now jedi can deflect the damn thing, before it meant certain death for jedi.

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I've said it before and I say it again:

First time I played Chandrila with dual sabers I was cut to tiny pieces (on Padawan I might add :rolleyes: )

Now I win roughly 85% of the lightsaber fights on Jedi Knight difficulty.

I haven't tried Chandrila on Master yet but I guess that is to come...

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Just like in vanilla JO then; if your enemy had ~20 hp or less when he lost a saber lock an animation would be played where you cut his hand off.

Seems like it was carried over as I've quite often thrusted my saber in the stomach of enemies losing locks or held their saber away while slicing them open with the other. The saber throw animation has never happened to me though.

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i just read something somewhere... where someone talked about cutting the staff saber in half.. and i just did it and am wholly awed :p


i got into this saber lock with the staff guy at the end of chandrila, and i meant to force push but i force pulled instead, and then i slashed straight down. That noise u hear where the saber sparks against the box was heard, and the oponent magically had two sabers. that was the ****. :)

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You know, some people seem to not remember back to the old days of Jedi Knight. You were better off shooting than using your lightsaber. But now everyone complains about the new system (which rocks) and about control. Doesn't anyone remember back when you had 3 different slashes for saberfighting? And about the complete lack of acrobatics? I think some people need to give lucasarts and raven more credit. The new game is awsome. So I think some people need to stop looking the gift horse in the mouth.

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Originally posted by Nerdman5

You know, some people seem to not remember back to the old days of Jedi Knight. You were better off shooting than using your lightsaber. But now everyone complains about the new system (which rocks) and about control. Doesn't anyone remember back when you had 3 different slashes for saberfighting? And about the complete lack of acrobatics? I think some people need to give lucasarts and raven more credit. The new game is awsome. So I think some people need to stop looking the gift horse in the mouth.

I completely agree. For those of us who have played video games since the Atari days, how long have you dreamed of a game like this? I mean, I remember when the vector graphics X-Wing Star Wars game was considered amazing. Heaven forbid you actually have to use a little imagination. We are spoiled with games like this :)
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Originally posted by cheapherk

That's when I stopped playing Jedi Outcast mulitplayer. Never have I seen a complete turnaround in gameplay as I did when this patch came out.

Please don't bring that crap into this game... we had enough of the whining in jk2 and it basically ruined the game in the end.


Anyhoo, I've kinda gave into temptation.... i was gonna wait til ja came out and have a fresh game to play...... I'm downloading the demko now


Though after reading this, my loyalty to each game is collding..... In JK1 - Concussion rifle pwnz all your @sses, GuNz for ever!... in JK2 - The Saber is the business.. gun people are immature whiners and in a lower league -_-



BTW, These colours are taking away my arrogance/confidence to spread my opinion..... :(

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yep, I agree - the first go at the demo for me was nothing but "botton praying" and hope I get lucky. But now, with time and learning on my side. Whoohooo!, I love the saber battles now. Now you can really plan your attacks to get the most out of them.


For me this game is a dream come true!

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well, I just started up a game of JO and there is a BIG difference in saber combat. In JO the sabers clashed more and blocked properly. I then started a game in JA and only used 1 saber and seems like there is NO saber contact to the point where the sabers would clash properly and go into the next sequence of saber combos. Its just not real. JO was very close to movie saber battles where JA its just mashing. At first I thought it was me but I tried over and over again and not the same. Now I know this is only a demo but lets hope they fix this in final release.

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