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Which move are you addicted to?

Maverick Knight

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Originally posted by Greymon

Siggeman: Not really. The ground attack depends on location moreso than the controls. I've accidentally used that attack several times because I was too close to a knocked over enemy. I've also executed that move without using the jump button. I did however try to script it and yes, its possible to put the commands to a single button, but it doesnt make the move any easier. It's just like real estate: location location location.


If you're in the wrong spot when you use the command to do the ground attacks, you'll go into a butterfly, dfa, or some other stance's move.


So you mean, yes, you CAN bind it to a key, but it will only work of you're right in front of an enemy on the ground? Otherwize you do a diferent special attack? Well if so, could you please tell me how to do this, cause I'd really like to try it.

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well, I've got a couple of cool combos.


#1 Ok, this one isn't very cool, but just choke em then when there up in the air release and push


#2 Same thing as #1 but you pull this time and stab em ( if your using light/single stance) or ground attack em (anything else)


#3 jump kick to ground stab (with saber staff). landing a jump kick isn't too hard, the trick is not to jump too high.


also, I think that the crouch-foward-attack spinning combo is really cool

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I LOVE, LOVE! all the saber staff moves, very one of them. I also like killing with the staff without the moves or jumping to.


Twin sabers, I just get to comfused with them. Can't seem to get the feel with them. I just don't know were my hits are going to land. The saber light tails last get in the way.


Haven't use the single saber yet...:o

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