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Does anyone know the binding command...


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Hey dudes,

I used to know this one for JO but it's slipped my mind :(

What's the binding command for more than one action on the same key?


Nameley, I want to put the Taunt and thereisnospoon on the same key so that they happen at the same time (if that's possible)

I thought it was a comma or a semicolon between the commands but that's not working. It either binds the first one or nothing at all :( I've tried using quotes around the commands but I'm not having any luck there either...


I know it's do-able because I used to have a key bound in JO/SP to turn on cheats and give me everything, just to save me typing it in :p


Cheers in advance folks


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The5ID, thereisnospoon is a command that lets the camera rotate around your character in slow motion, just like in Matrix... that's why it's called "thereisnospoon". That's what a little boy says to Neo within the Matrix. ;)


To your problem, Blackout: Try bind key "taunt; thereisnospoon"


Not sure if it works, though.

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