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Force powers with dual sabers


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I remember reading in a preview/designer interview that the dual sabers were going to be extra powerful, and one of the ways they would be balancing that was you could not use force powers that required your hands (like lightning, grip, push/pull) while wielding two sabers.


In the demo, I haven't seen any sign of this, I could use every force power with no problem while wielding dual sabers.


Anybody else see anything about this? It seems a bit of a bummer, as it takes away some of the strategy type aspect...

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Originally posted by Prime

I remember them saying something like that. I haven't seen any evidence of it though. Frankly, I think it is unnecessary at this point, as all the saber stances seem pretty balanced.


I tend to agree. The balance seems about right in SP at least. And not to forget that the Dual Sabers and Saberstaff are 'medium' stances only...and you have to switch off a blade to get a 'fast' (but nerfed) stance, which seems only practical for improved blaster fire deflection.


Everything has it's strengths and weaknesses, and that's how it should be. I'd have to say I'm glad that you don't have to switch off a blade to use other Force powers, because the saber combat can become hectic as it is.

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i dunno, personally id kind of like to see double sabers a little better then the other stances at saber combat, but let it have a penalty in force combat.


A: It switches things up a little. Adds a little variety. It would force people to change tactics on the fly, instead of tryin to pull slash or whatever strategies mp sabering will arise, theyll have to use a little force to compensate.


B: Power duel, beefed up staff saber vs two single saber, one single saber dies, other grabs his saber, voila, theyre even again

I think that would be kinda cool. (adds a little cinematic flair)


But thats just IMHO. RIght now i think theyre pretty fairly balanced (although, i think double sabers and staff sabers need a few more moves, but im sure with modding and patches that will come in time)

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