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saber battle difficulty complaints


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Originally posted by AxVegetA

Besides, its boring because of the fact that in MP people doesnt play like that (ill play multiplayer first, and some days later ill play SP).

There is a big diference between JA SP and JA MP, same as JO.

Right that MP is a lot different because in MP most people just spam one move...


DFA DFA DFA DFA lunge lunge lunge DFA :D

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Well, I've tried two different ways of fighting with my dual sabers.

Basically n00b-bashing or button mashing and more strategical using enemy defense gaps and "special" moves


On Jedi difficulty (the reborn are too weak HP-wise on higher levels) I win roughly 1/2 the fights with button mashing. Sure, a rigurous save/load will make you get through the game this way, but versus the "bosses" I assume you'll be pretty much screwed.


I prefer using only the checkpoints to load from as they add more care and precautions to NOT fail that critical jump or lose early fight versus a reborn.


Anyway, with strategical fighting the fights takes a little longer, but I win about 90% of the times.


These number may of course vary depending on your skill level and if you use the recently discovered grapple moves but I think yu get the picture.


You'll most likely win more often when you master saber fighting.

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Originally posted by geddiesburg

The longest fight I've had is about 30-50 seconds on the hardest setting in both games. I want to be challenged. These fights should last minutes.

Spawn some"kyles"(write "npc spawn kyle" in the console)! That's what I call challange! He's even hard to kill with godmode!

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Personally I like diversity... Some fights can last 5 secs while other last 5 minutes.


One thing I do hate and I mean HATE... is mechanic gameplay... every trick has a counter and diferent characters have difrerent weak spot...so to one tipe of character you spam that mve that breaks his defense... you stay clear of that same trick and he'll be sure to block everything you throw at him.


The old arcade fighting games syndrome (Street fighter for instance)


The best example of a good movie like duel is Bushido Blade 2.


I think the reborn and now the cultists are pretty good cuz they provide some challenge.

From what i've seen of my Kyle Boss tryouts is that he's tough enough to provide a good challenge without huge ammounts of health that make the duel last the wrong way.



Long Exciting duels = Good

Long Boring duels = Bad


Back to Bushido Blade example.. you didn't have the same defense as JO/JA... still saber was not defending... you' parry attacks by attacking back...swords would clash. Then it's attack counter, counter counter counter until someone makes a mistake that costs it's life.


The AI opponent difficulty being it's relexes possibly set by random response values to an attack. the higher the enemy level... the higher the reflex values averages.


Plus the real arena for this system would be MP Human vs Human and not SP.


If I could code.. this would be what i'd do.


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Originally posted by |GlobensGeng|

Spawn some"kyles"(write "npc spawn kyle" in the console)! That's what I call challange! He's even hard to kill with godmode!


That makes no sense at all. How can you call it a challenge if you have god mode on, and why would it be harder than without god?

And if you mean THEY have god mode on, well they are invincible.


The regular kyle is easy, just use absorb (he is a force whore).

But kyle_boss is more dificult because he keeps pulling my saber away (i want to figure how to do that).


And the diference between MP and SP, is not that people abuse of one single move like the dfa, its because seriously the gameplay is diferent, remember JO SP and MP, the pull pushs are more efective, the backslash are in some way faster, the rolls too, a lot of things.

Ohh and the jump on top of somebody doesnt takes them down.

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Um, Kidso, P4 3.2 HT 800MHZ Geforce FX 5900 ULTRA. Um, GFX, not a problem... As for my opion.. I did play the demo alittle more.. I think that mabe due to the maps design that in another more open area map I can give a better option of the saber battles... I play most of my SP saber duels in the ladder mods and in JO they give great battles.

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The AI is fun to mess with. I usually drag a whole bunch of reborn into one room and duel with 3,4,5 or how many I can. One on One it's far to easy... so at least this way the challenge is a little better. Even so, using the duck attack method with the staff and 2 sabers is way to powerful. You can decimate AI easily with this move...


But really I could care less about AI. Multiplay is where this game excels. Nothing is more fun than beating other people with a lightsaber. Especially when "skill" is involved.

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