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The Force power look


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OK since i assume you have all seen the most recent trailer for JA I am wondering to myself while playing the demo...Why doesnt my force push or pull look as cool as the twilek girls when she pulls the storm tropper over? I want the transparent look not this smokey crap like in JO. Help me

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these people dont understand you Friedrich, but i do. the demo must have automatically scaled your computer lower than its requirements (whatever those are) to apply the "bubble" for push and pull. all you have to do is put:


cg_rendertotexturefx 0


in your console, and you should have the bubble appear. it worked for me, and if it doesnt for you, try putting a 1 instead of a 0.

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On the official LA Jedi Academy page (in the force powers section) you will see pics of the "transparent bubble" version (option set to 1).


The 0 (off) option looks the same as it did in JK2 SP.


My system defaulted to off with this option, but I can turn it back on and it looks fine.. no performance problems as a result of it.

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