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Can a bounty hunter go after a player?


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That would be fun and all but what would be the consequence if a bh did actually kill you cause you had a bounty on your head. What, I just respawn at the nearest cloning facility, doesn't seem to threatening to me. There has to be a way to instill fear in having a bounty on your head, like causing 3/4 of your HAM to be wounded, as well as ways to throw off a bh. Like some kind of diversion device, otherwise you would be killed very fast. The most fun would to have a bounty on another bh. That would be a challenge. I would also like to see some form of badge listing for your character on successful player bounties. Like a listing of the dead. AHHHH so many ideas it hurts. The it should also be expensive so not everyone can put out bounties on anyone that bugs them. How about this: a system so that when you are killed by a PvP you get certain amount of BH Bounty Faction from that player. It could be on a player to player basis so after a certain amount of kills from that player you would have enough factions to put a bounty of them for a price set by the BH. Like each time you die from a player you get 100 BH Bounty Faction per death and you need 300 or 400 BH Bounty Faction to issue a bounty. Then you have to pay whatever price the BH charges to actually use the Faction points. Just a thought.

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