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boss of game? *MASSIVE SPOILER*

Darth Talliusc

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ok first off this may be wrong but ill explain why i believe its true in the next jot of spoilered text. i do NOT have the full game and have never played it either. this is purely info from what i found in the demo but i think you'll agree it seems pretty sure. on with the spoiler



i was foolin around in chandrila and spawned some cultists. i then used a high lvl mind control *posession of them if you will* and forced them to do the "gloat" taunt. one saberist raised his saber to the air and yelled "FOR RAGNOS!"... then i did some searching. Marka ragnos was the 9th to become a member of the sith order. this coupled with taunts of "the sith shall rise again" lead me to believe that it is indeed the sith lord returned. possibly in the manner of exar kun in the jedi academy trilogy? anyways post your views but please use spoiler tags if its a definitive response thanks.



so. what you think?

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wouldnt be the first time we'd seen a dark force user trying to recruit a light one. i honestly dont have a clue andy. but i will assume that if you go dark then you will fight kyle_boss. i think thats safe to say.


ive been screwin around with the demo alot (different emotes on different ppl) and i havent found anything else at all cool. but if you want to see who the spoiler is talkin bout then just run a google search on the spoiled name and there should be a few sites with pictures of it/him/her. surprised none of the ppl who bought the game have popped my bubble or congratulated me or anything yet. oh well.


*oh and id like to apologize for being a thread hoe this week, ill lay off the "make new thread" button for a few days*


edit: forums incredibly slow for anybody else tonight? normall my cable has a thread up in seconds not 10 minutes per page!

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[superMods Note: Due to the fact that the game is NOT OFFICIALLY on store shelves yet, any revealing of major plots or storyline shall be edited. No bans will happen (yet). but now you know.. This is for the good of the public who do not have the chance yet to play the game themself.]

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well, maybe I posted too fast as he MAY have played the real game, but as Kurgan pointed out 7 hours of gameplay seems rather short. But we can't be sure now, so I must apologise if I was wrong to accuse you BS87.


But on second thought, he'd have to play the game twice to know both endings, wouldn't he?



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No, i actually did play the full game, reatail copy. I'd love to scan you up a picture of the box, but i do not own a digital camer or scanner ( barely had enough to pre-order the game :( ) is there any other way i can prove it to you?


Yes, i did play through it in roughly 7 hours, a=i played it on the "padawan" level. To play both endings, i just saved a game at the choosing point, then loaded that when i was done :D Sorry if you thought i warezed it. My cousin did, but i'm not like that, i bought my game legit. Sorry you had to edit my post :(

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