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I asked a Lucas Arts guy at the Comic Con if there would be a code for full dismemberment in the game and he said yes. So far I havent found it. g_saberreaslisticcombat 1 doesnt work and neither does cg_dismember 1. Anyone have an idea? Can a Raven person make a list of all the codes? Thatd be nice.

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g_sabermorerealistic 1 is probably it. You probably need to type helpusobi 1 or devmapall first. g_sabermorerealistic was disabled in the demo. Then you may have to use g_dismemberment 1 (or 3 if it doesn't work) in addition. I don't know, though, as there is no JA where I live yet.

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Originally posted by Deity333

Hmm, I've tried devmapall, then g_dismemberprobabilities 99 and found that I did not dismember anything, then I set it to one and find that I can dismember ppl at the waist, hands, shoulders, legs and heads, especially easy when you use saber throw.


That's right. The higher you set the number, the less likely you are to dismember things - just like the command that was used in Jedi Outcast. I think it only ranges from 1-3 anyway, with 3 being lowest dismemberment, and 1 being the highest. ;)

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I'm from England and I think Academy is coming out here tomorrow! Can't wait for it....!

Could really do with some input on dismemberment from the guys that have already played it though. Do the codes used in Outcast work or not?


Got so used to sending cauterised limbs flying all over the place in Outcast that I can't imagine saber combat without it anymore....! Spectacular stuff!

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Seems like g_dismemberprobabilities 1 AND g_saberrealisticcombat 0, 1, 2 or 3 (with 0 being the least dismemberment and 3 being like major realistic ie: don't even have to swing the saber to kill and dismember ppl, and I've been told that it goes to 9 as well).

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As per the readme for the win32 dedicated server



Can be a number in the range of 0 to 100, and sets the dismemberment probabilities. 0 means never, whereas 100 means every time a player dies from a saber hit of appropriate damage. This will not do anything for clients that do not have their cg_dismember cvar set appropriately.


Im at work so I cant try it till I get home tonight.

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I too have been trying to get dismemberment working with no success. I've tried the following commands:




g_sabermorerealistic (write protected)




I've tried ranges from 0 to 99 with no luck. Hopefully someone will figure out to make those body parts fly!



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The closest I've gotten was to go into all the NPC files and change the all dismemberment probabilities to 100%. Well, they still don't dismember all the time, but I now can sever them at the head, waist, and legs. But it's only one sever per character. So if I cut off his arm, I can't dismember anything else (unlike JO's SaberRealistic in which you can chop them up to your heart's conent).

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