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General Theros

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not sure if anyone posted this yet... but here is a snippet about the classes in siege mode



ASSAULT: an offensive/defensive class. Classes in this catagory are well armed with either weapons or force powers, making them formidable opponents in combat.

HEAVY WEAPONS: This class specializes in extremely high and concentraded damage output. Heavy weapons classes are armed with the most destructive weapons and force powers, inluding the Merr Sonn missle launcher and the Stouker concussion rifle.

DEMOLITIONS: This class specializes in wreaking havoc on destructible objectives wihle utilizing grenade-type weapons, inluding trip mines, thermal detonators, and det packs.

SCOUT: The scout class specializes in sniping and espianage. The jedi version of a scout uses mind trick and force speed to confuse enemies and achieve objectives.

TECH: Tech classes have many different abilities. Most can give ammo, some can heal other players, while some versions of the class can even bypass locks allowing for easy entry into a side door on a map.

JEDI: The jedi classes are warriors who do not utilize conventional weapons in battle, but instead choose to use Force powers and a lightsaber to engage opponents.


NOTE: To use available items with a class that does not have any force powers, press the force next, force previous, and use force keys.



hmmmm *scratches goatee*... very interesting

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