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PiG's Day 2 JA Review


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Day 2 of PiGs notes for Jedi Academy: Look how cool Chewbacca looks sabering my ass!


*Rolling stab is the new BS. Works well if it connects and is usually an instant kill. Extremely hard to land if someone is on the run like CTF

*The dual saber BS works like 1.03 and can usually kill in one hit. Hard to connect just like the 104 one

*I ran into Screed he says "hi"

*Pull works like in 1.03. If your close enough you can drag a person down. Problem is they can avoid any attacks with one of three ways (roll away, ground kick on you, quick get up which seems way faster than before)which is gay. Although I did manage to land a downward stab on a nub who didnt know how to get up and killed him instantly. Nice that it works at least.

*Katas only work well for countering katas. Anyone who pulls off a blindsided kata deserves to die for stupidity anyways.

*I pulled, double tapped jump, cried some more

*Rage is not as fast as it used to be. Its been slowed down quite a bit even with speed. the invincibility factor is still there but other than that its useless in saber only

*Grip 3 lets you move around somewhat but you walk too slow to take someone off a cliff before they push you. Might as well just be waiting by a cliff if you intend to do that. Also whoever is getting gripped, their saber automatically puts itself away for some reason allowing them to have no saber defenses for a short period of time. Ive been working on this set up to see if I can find an instant kill with it but so far no taco.

*Servers have force valubles now. They can increase/decrease force damage it seems. One server of dumb****s had lightning turned up to instagib. Fun times indeed.

*played my first saber only CTF game today. It sucked monkey balls and was too boring. Felt like a game of CTY all slow paced. The FCs were too hard to catch and it seemed the only ways of killing them was throwing them off a cliff. The maps are way too big for this and all an FC has to do is run around in circles. Think of yavin without DFA or kick. Fustrating indeed. I just dont think an FC is gonna stand in place to fight and let himself get killed. The game score was 0-0 after 37mins of play. I left disgusted.

*Guns only CTF owns all. Very impressive and fast paced. Brilliant large maps suited well for long range weapons. The use of forces make it a lot better than most shooters out there and I can't wait for a full community dedicated to this.

*Chewbacca with a lightsaber is the nubbiest thing ive ever seen

*Pull/push forces now have this air invis cloud effect when used. Its pretty to look at but sometimes gets in the way of your crosshair and view

*Tavion is really hot now

*Galak still owns you

*Mistake made on Siege. I thought there was a saber only level but turns out the server had just changed it to saber only siege which turned up the gay-o-meter to 10. So all is well and that level owns with guns intact.

*Saber accuracy is very good. Seems if you swing your saber a particuliar way and it lands in sync with that persons body motion you can instant kill. Ive done it quite a few times and have ended duels with one slash. I was kicked from that server as well for cheating. noobs.

*I sniped three people in a row today. Quite an accomplishment for me.

*only problem was two of those people were on my team. FF was on.

*I had a full fledged argument today with a nub in a duel server. Brings back memories.

*Strap on your lamer buttons seems that gay ass admin mod from jk2 will be ready for jka before this post is over. The game is officially dead now. Dare you go into a FFA server and pretend to be Puke Landrunner?



-thanks PiG...I had to copy that since you're too ****ing lazy to come post here you nub.

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I here ya brotha! Maybe they named it Jedi Academy cause its for all the noobs who suxored in Outcast.


I will say this, THe Power Duel is fun as hell. Especially when you got a server full o' noobs who cry when you own them in a 2v1.

One guy was crying that I threw my saber too much, ( like I should stand there and let him hack fest 2003 on me). Another guy cried saying I gripped too much, ( so i should stand there and let him spam protection making my saber about as powerful as a toothbrush.) Another guy cried I was draining too much (so I should stand there and let him lightning me to death.)


I mean c'mon people! You whine about everyone who uses their brain in a fight. Its people like them who made Outcast get worst and worst. But even outcast was a gem compared to academy as it stands right now.

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I couldn't help but laugh at your posts (not at you, with you).


I know it sucks that there's people who can't take an honest beating in a game and lose gracefully. But about all you can do is take that much more perverse pleasure in beating them down (until they vote-kick you from the server that is).


You can have the greatest game in the world, and still get these kinds of people who can't take the heat.



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did you manage to play a real siege game, cause from what i read you only played one with a saber only server, but how is a regular siege game like?

and can you still auto dodge sniper fire with seeing?

and how is the concussion rifle in mp? ive played it in sp demo, and it seems the blasts go too fast to counter, especially the secondary fire, so how does that work out for you?

oh, and how are the maps compared to the ones in jo?

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Originally posted by {DHU}Screed

I here ya brotha! Maybe they named it Jedi Academy cause its for all the noobs who suxored in Outcast.


I will say this, THe Power Duel is fun as hell. Especially when you got a server full o' noobs who cry when you own them in a 2v1.

One guy was crying that I threw my saber too much, ( like I should stand there and let him hack fest 2003 on me). Another guy cried saying I gripped too much, ( so i should stand there and let him spam protection making my saber about as powerful as a toothbrush.) Another guy cried I was draining too much (so I should stand there and let him lightning me to death.)


I mean c'mon people! You whine about everyone who uses their brain in a fight. Its people like them who made Outcast get worst and worst. But even outcast was a gem compared to academy as it stands right now.


Hehe...n00b slaying! :D . I cant wait until I get this game tomomorrow.


Whenever I lose a fight on JO, I just accept it and dont complain, unless it was 'cos of lag (when i'll quit the server and join a new 1).


1 last thing, what is the maximum time limit for siege?

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I think I was on that same lightning CTF server. I thought it was always that way and I was gonna start ranting.


I also love killing inexperianced people who shoot their mouths off. I find it funny when people pull their taunts/emotes and before a duel and I just run up and slash them. I got a couple "OmG teh n00b" cause of that.


Powerduel is fun also. Did a double stab killing both people at once. It was sweet. :p

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i cried too pig/traj


wow the game is academy because at my school all people do is talk.


what i wanna know is how the **** this game is closer to a movie or anything? two sabers, double sabers? both invented by modders in jk2. gay attacks i never see.


the game is crap compared to 1.04 jk2


how often do u get a beta better than the full version?


chalk 1 up for beta

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