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*SPOILERS* 'Mutant' rancor level STUCK!


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Originally posted by cvsin

Ok one of you resident JKA Gurus that beat the game already help me out with Mutant rancor level....

I dunno how to get rid of him...cant find anything ith force sence and looked in every corner of the 2 big rooms...:confused: :confused:


There are 3 big rooms...

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I found this really easy...get to the big hallway with the blue glowing door at the end (use force speed and run down that hallway to the end and you can find a secret). At the begining of the hallway there should be a room with a big glass window, on the one side of the room (outside, not inside) you should see a lever, pull the lever and a big crate should fall down, then go inside the room with the big glass window up into the big control room with alot of windows, there should be another lever on the third floor, make sure the rancor is standing right infront of the windows then hit the lever and then the crate should push the rancor into the blue glowing door and smush it.

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Ok i figured out the problem.. The rancor never followed me into the second werehouse thus the second door was never allwoed to unlock... so to me all the doors were locked....

i restared level and sure enough rancor comes crashing in second door in back corner unlocks able to continue.. thanks guys...

To the Raven guy .. you may want to check the scripting on certain events including this one.. sometimes they work other times they dont and you have to restart...

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